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Current issues topics for essay

Current issues topics for essay

300 Best Essay Topics & Ideas,Best Argumentative Essay Topics

WebDec 30,  · What Are the Social Issues of Today? Top 12 Issues. COVID & Global Pandemic. Without a doubt, almost every sector of modern life has been affected by the WebNov 13,  · Some Social Issue Tips You Include in Your Essay are: Religion. Different religious settings and places of worship have bonds that bring their followers together. WebJun 2,  · List of argumentative essay topics Consider this list of argumentative essay topics by type to consider: Science Should the U.S. allow fracking? Should WebOct 22,  · Issues such as hurricanes, tsunamis, severe storms, warmer winters, increased sea levels, wildfires, and drought are attributed to pollution. Overpopulation, WebMar 17,  · Current Issues, Problems and Proposed Changes in Organizational Behavior: Cisco Change Management, Kurt Lewin's Three-Step Model and Kotter's Eight ... read more

hese reactions are not always purely rational, at least not from an economic sense of the word, and therefore the pure rationality of economics cannot be used to predict state action -- which is still hugely important -- in the area of free trade Krasner Despite the hegemonic decline of the United States that Milner notes, it is still a country with an enormous amount of international clout that can easily appear threatening in international…. There is even a lack of conclusive evidence that free trade and a global economy actually serves poorer countries well as entities in and of themselves. As Kapur points out, "global financial markets bring high risks and high rewards," and though poorer countries have more to gain they are less capable of handling risk , pp.

The recent global financial crisis is indicative of the greater risks these countries bear, and the poorer citizens of the world are certain to be hit the hardest by slowdowns in production and consumption. Proponents of globalization argue that moving manufacturing to underdeveloped countries affords their workers opportunities for growth that were not present before, but the lack of regulation that these countries purposefully mandate in order to attract business allows for a complete lack of protection and exploitation of the workforce. Things might be good for these workers when the global economy is growing, then, but they will be the first and hardest hit by any problems or corrections the economy undergoes.

Globalization might be good during prosperity, but the negative effects of free trade are hugely magnified by economic downturns. If countries and workforces are regularly decimated by the global economy after losing the self-sufficiency of their pre-modern economies, it can hardly be suggested that globalization is a good thing overall. Only a system that leaves these countries essentially intact in all economic conditions is truly beneficial. The idea that work is not to be supposed to enjoy has unfortunately become engrained in American society and in the cultures of many organizations and this has contributed directly to the rise of stress related illnesses and disorders Gardiner Stress has a direct negative impact on health, leading to higher blood pressure, potential heart problems, increased headaches and other minor aches and pains, and a variety of other physical symptoms Gardiner In addition, stress reduces the ability to focus, which has a negative impact on productivity and also increases the likelihood of mistakes that can lead to other injuries or safety issues.

This new area of workplace health and safety concerns luckily has been studied enough that several direct and indirect methods for reducing workplace stress and its effects have been developed; solutions as simple as increasing laughing and developing an organizational culture of increased jocularity can…. Gardiner, D. Accessed 6 August ecruiting and etaining Employees Despite the fact that organizations are all diverse, their general mission and objective is to recruit and retain professional personnel. They undertake this aspect by implementing and executing innovative approaches and strategies.

The purpose of this study is to cultivate an understanding of the elements linked with staffing and retaining of personnel in organizations through analyses of published research studies obtained in the literature. In this particular paper, a methodical examination of articles published in the period between and was conducted and those that precisely place emphasis on recruitment and retention approaches in organizations. Importance of these articles was to discover and examine pioneering or inventive recruitment and retention approaches in organizations. Discoveries from these articles offered businesses and corporate organizers with information that was essential and was required to make decisions concerning recruitment and retention to improve employability at places of work Khattak….

Allen D. Retaining Talent: Replacing Misconception with Evidence-Based Strategies. Academy of Management Perspectives,. Armstrong M. A Handbook of Human Resources Management. London: Kogan. Benjamin B. Motivational Factors of Employee Retention and Engagement in Organizations. Advances Manag. BLR Best practices in recruitment and retention. secular society, Christian values, beliefs, and worldviews are systematically excluded from the educational system. Parents who can afford costly private schools can help inculcate their children into a Biblical worldview, but the majority of Christians who cannot do this and whose children attend public schools need to find ways to resolve the ideological conflicts presented to their children. Children regularly receive disparate information about crucial issues such as those related to gender roles and norms, human sexuality, and the origin of life on earth.

While all of these core topics challenge Christian educators to adapt their curricula to conform to legal and societal expectations, the most contentious of these might be the evolution and intelligent design debate. Christian educators continue to struggle with presenting a more balanced worldview to their students, but legal and societal expectations persist in silencing minority voices. One of the most important contemporary issues in education,…. ACSD What is the purpose of education? Anti-Defamation League n. Intelligent Design: Not science.

Beckwith, F. Public education, religious establishment, and the challenge of intelligent design. Journal of Law, Ethics, and Public Policy Center for Science and Culture Darwinian evolution, the teaching of intelligent design. uddhist Ethical Concerns There are numerous ethical issues that have tended to dominate and generate debate in the world during the last decade. Issues such as abortion, ecology, genetic engineering and animal experimentation are ethical problems that deeply concern all religious persuasions. These issues are of particular importance with regard to uddhist views and practices. One of the central areas that have evoked a wide ranger of ethical responses from both Western and Eastern religions is the question of cloning and stem cell research.

All of these issues confront the practicing uddhist and all demand a response from the uddhist viewpoint in contemporary life. Underlying much of the uddhist approach to contemporary ethical problems is the principle of Karma and the fundamental emphasis on actions that are non-harmful to other sentient beings. This foundational precept is based on the belief in the intrinsic value of all living things. This refers…. Becker, Carl B. Epstein R. Retrieved May 25, Ethical Issues in Six Religious Traditions. Peggy Morgan and Clive Lawton. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, Findly, Ellison. The inconclusive evidence shows the difficulty of regulating issues of science rather than policy, and given that it is not certain that these substances are dangerous in the amounts in cosmetics, the warning labels seem unlikely to influence consumer behavior.

I ask the question: does more information promote better behavior? The answer is: not always. Millions of people eat artificial sweeteners, drink alcohol, and smoke cigarettes, despite warning labels on these products. Also, people use cosmetics tested on animals -- and even inject Botox, a paralyzing chemical in their foreheads, in the name of beauty. Additional warning labels will do little to change consumer behavior, especially when it comes to style, unless there is more research that proves that these chemicals pose a health risk. How can nurses recognize their own accountabilities and responsibilities when delegating aspects of care to others? It is a difficult task for nurse to understand precisely what to do in the delegation process as there are many conflicting guidelines and opinions on the subject.

The only sure way for registered nurses to properly fulfill their responsibilities of delegation, is to maintain a relationship with the nurses they delegated and be available for them when necessary. At the same time, nurses need to be sure to give trainees space in order for them to learn independently. Patience, observance, and guidance are the techniques essential to registered nurses attempting to provide quality delegation. How can nurses delegate and supervise others consistent with legislation and organizational policy? In order to delegate and supervise their trainees, registered nurses need to strictly comply with the current legislation and organizational policies existing in their place of…. mission of the Emerging Issues Task Force EITF exerts upon the Financial Accounting Standards Board FASB The Emerging Issues Task Force EITF was established with the main purpose of addressing and coming up with resolve for current issues being faced by professionals in the accounting field, which were not addressed by announcements of the Financial Accounting Standards Board FASB.

Prior to the establishment of ETIF in , the FASB constantly faced challenges of not being able to offer well-timed and sensible solutions to developing practice problems. The EITF was therefore designed to disseminate and propagate carrying out guidance within the structure of the Accounting Standards Codification to decrease multiplicity when it comes down to it on a well-timed basis. In their field of profession, accountants experience a wide range of issues that are not comprehensively addressed in accounting pronouncements, and, which necessitate prompt resolve. In addition, such professionals insist that…. hat are the pros and cons of controlled burning in Yellowstone? The pros and cons of controlled burning in Yellowstone National Park have the same consequences -- uncontrollable fire.

The pros of controlled burning are twofold. First, studies have proven the positive effects of controlled burning with regards to fire management. As previously stated, controlled burns remove debris from the forest floor that can be considered fodder for larger fires. In addition, controlled and natural burning allow fires to ecologically impact the park. In recent decades, a variety of research has been completed concerning the benefits of the burns on ecology, and controlled burning is proven to, in most cases, allow for positive change within the ecosystem. Part II Recommendation Analysis Based on the above information, fires in Yellowstone National Park, whether controlled or otherwise, are an issue of grave importance to park personnel.

In order to appropriately deal with…. National Park Service. National Park service. June Following the guidelines and supporting research provided in this article can help large enterprises avoid such pitfalls Newman et al. An article that recently appeared in the Sloan Management Review examines the internal rather than the external risks of an organization. It is only by understanding how each of these risks might affect the organization and by working to achieve a minimization of exposure to each type of risk -- often through the creation of contingency plans -- that organizational success can be assured Mangelsdorf In another article appearing in the summer issue of the Sloan Management Review, the ever-important issue of information is addressed.

Information is…. economic tools concepts to evaluate a current issue situation which exist today in the U. health care industry Health Industry: There are two sets of health issues and many players in the health industry. One set of paradigm deals with the public and private health care issues, and another the emerging trend of market oriented changes in the health care industry. Hitherto health care was a public service but has now transformed itself into a competitive industry. In other words it has become a part of the national economy and economic analysis is not only important to care givers and institutions, but is also important to doctors and medical workers because the health industry is highly competitive. The debate on public health issues changed in the past with more scientific developments and insight into community care and medicine.

Fox; Ludden, Some of the modern developments of the end of…. Value creation to day is mostly done by pharmacy benefit managers -- PBMs and health maintenance organizations -- HMOs. The new healthcare players are thus in need of these tools to improve the medical cost management skills, and creating a competitive organizational culture. Goh; Pritula, Another tool to analyze the economy of the health care industry is the way the demand for and the supply of the care grows or subsides. Today health-care markets like all others have been influenced by supply and demand, and the more competitive environment which has created purchasers like insurers and investors in the industry have now become beneficiaries of the market forces and the cost of health-care is now a great percentage of the gross national product -- GNP as a result of the interplay of demand and supply changes.

Fox; Ludden, Here the supply and demand in the health industry is taken by the public and private sector, and this has paved way for the growth of medical science. For example the changes in the healthcare spending and patient revenue and hospital utilization shown in table one was computed by Sensenig et al. Likewise are the changes in consumer prices for medical care services. There are many other indicators which show the way the industry behaves given the specific economic condition. To this variables some specific conditions for example inflation, and other economic situations are detected and the comparison provides the mechanism why the health care expenditure change.

The table 1 shows the fact that "Medical care prices are now growing at roughly twice the rate as overall prices. Health care professionals now use concepts like Utilization review for case management and this analysis will be beneficial to social workers making them indispensable to the management and. Additionally, as the economic crisis hit the company, the efforts to sustaining the development of communities have also decreased. Ford customers The customers have generally represented the centerfold of the Ford Motor strategy in the meaning that the company strived to satisfy their needs and provide them with the products and services they desired. This statement seemed however more applicable with the past, rather than today. Ford understood the Americans' need for large, safe and reliable automobiles, which not only served the mobility needs, but also made an international as well as social statement.

And Ford was perfect at satisfying these needs. However, as change affected the international context, the automobile manufacturer proved unable to change its approach. The customers were being harshly impacted by the soaring prices of oil and were also becoming more environmentally responsible consumers. This basically meant that they no longer required the traditional large size…. com last accessed on November 2, Third is a series of passwords and personal information chosen by the customer. On top of this they guarantee customers that if they are victims of fraudulent activity on their Egg accounts, any losses are covered in full. A recent trend that is a direct threat to banks is the development of e-money which takes the jurisdiction of stored financial value away from banks.

The trend is growing as an alternative way in which to do online commerce transactions without utilizing bank systems including…. blanket media coverage of U. One of these is the controversial policy of the U. government regarding the prisoners kept in the Guantanamo Bay camps without trial. In this paper about the Guantanamo bay prisoners we shall explore the conditions under which they are kept, their rights under international and U. law, the possibility that some of them may be innocent, the U. administration's view point about the issue, and what options are being considered for their future. Hooded and Shackled After the Taliban regime was defeated in Afghanistan, prisoners suspected of having links to the Al-Qaeda organization were brought, hooded and shackled, to the prison camps at Guantanamo Bay.

More than a year later, the U. government is still holding some prisoners there without any bringing any charges against them. Kay, "No Fast track Camp X-ray: The legal options. February 27, Guantanamo Bay. November 28, Guantanamo Bay prisoners lose appeal. March 12, Associated Press Story. Kay, Katty. January 11, There have been several trends that indicate that there are many challenges down the line as global trade becomes even more interactive and complex Editorial Staff, Trends Studies point to the following trends.

Emergence of New Technology: Most companies have realized that there is need to make use of new technology. The tools are meant to enhance a holistic handling and precise and proactive connection of data so as to boost control and planning outcomes Editorial Staff, A Structural Change Freight by Air to Freight by Sea:…. Ciemny, W. Global Transportation Trends. Logistics Quarterly, Vol II, Issue 5, Retrieved from www. Editorial Staff. New Study Reveals Nine Key Trends of Global Logistics. Nevhagen, P. Retrieved May 10, , from GreenCarrier: www. Criminal Justice Policy Issue One of the increasing major concerns in the field of criminal justice is the rising fear of crime in public by juvenile violence, also known as 'youth violence'.

This paper would discuss a selected journal article that is based on this issue and would highlight its key findings, issues, recommendations and the summary based on the discussion of the chosen issue. The article chosen on the selected issue of 'youth violence' is "Youth Violence: Do parents make a difference" written by Laurence Steinberg. The author talks about the decreased rate in youth violence in America, especially the school related violence. The author makes a point that although school violence cannot be controlled or can be to a very limited extent with the help of surveillance cameras in the schools, but stricter measures need to be taken in order to completely eradicate it from America. The society,…. Bushman, B. American Psychologist, 71 1 , Elliott, D.

Youth violence: An overview. Paper presented at The Aspen Institute's Children's Policy Forum "Children and Violence Conference. Hawkins, J. Predictors of youth violence. Miller, W. Ideology and criminal justice policy: Some current issues. The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Polish Companies Reacted to Ethical Issues and Changes in usiness Standards Since the Fall of Communism in ? Poland's Economy Pre-Communism's Fall Poland's Natural Resources Minerals and Fuels Agricultural Resources Labor Force The Polish Economy Under Communism System Structure Development Strategy The Centrally-Planned Economy Establishing the Planning Formula Retrenchment and Adjustment in the s Reliance on Technology in the s Reform Failure in the s Poland's Economy After the Fall of Communism Poland After the Fall of Communism Fall of Communism Marketization and Stabilization Required Short-Term Changes Section 2.

The Shock Strategy Section 2. Initial Results Section 2. Long-Term Requirements Section 2. Macroeconomic Indicators for Section 2. Price Increases Section 2. Impact on Productivity and Wages Section 2. Statistical Distortions Section 2. Agricultural Imbalances Section 2. Causes of Decline Section 2. The Polish Post-Communism Privatization Process Section 2. Structure of Poland's Economy: Post-Communism Section 2. Fuels and Energy Section 2. Cryssides G. Warszawa: PWN. Justice Systems What are the main factors that determine high or low incarceration rates? The last twenty years have witnessed a significant and historic shift with regards to the use of imprisonment within the United States. In , less than half a million people were imprisoned in the jails and prisons of America.

Today there are almost 2 million inmates and still rising. Annually, the U. The most alarming fact about correctional services in the U. is that imprisonment is used mostly on African-American and Hispanic males. It was recently estimated by the Department of Justice that about a third of all African-American males will be incarcerated at least once in their lives. It is also…. Austin, J. The Use of Incarceration in the United States. American Society of Criminology. Lappi-Seppala, T. Causes of Prison Overcrowding. Finland: National Research Institute of Legal Policy.

Mauer, M. Comparative International Rates of Incarceration: An Examination of Causes and Trends. Washington, DC. political Research Associates. The United States vs. The World. Retrieved July 15, , from Political Research Associates: www. current events from the last six months that relate to the international business environment of Japan. It will include an analysis of Japan's international business activities, Japan's government, private enterprise in Japan, and the impact of international organizations on Japan. International Business Activites China's rapid domestic growth has been important in maintaining Japan's economy. Specifically, steel exports to China have been growing, increasing profits for four major Japanese steel companies Shimbun.

Japan's ongoing business relationship with the U. continues to thrive. Almost 20 years after it first began U. production, Honda's U. Government Disturbingly, a recent poll suggests that Japanese citizens are losing faith in their government. com, Japan's voters. Japan's government has recently entertained the idea of sanctions…. Japan's Export-Led Growth May Not Ignite Consumption Update1. Japan's Voters Say Koizumi Can't Keep Promises, Yomiuri Reports. Japan Today. Corporate incomes drop for 2nd straight year. Japan submits to WTO list of retaliatory tariffs against U. Current Policy The Obama Administration had pledged to end veteran homelessness, an interesting pledge given the myriad of complex reasons why people become homeless.

But they were able to make progress towards that objective. This was the result of a number of different approaches, which highlight the way that policy is addressed in this area. The VA cites three components of its plan: conducting outreach to seek out veterans in need; connecting homeless and at-risk veterans with housing solutions; and collaborating with various government agencies, employers, housing…. Supply Chain The Current State, Objective and Future Trends of isk and disruption management in supply chains States and Trends of isk and Disruption Management in Supply Chains After suffering for years, managers' gain ground in supporting supply and demand market of today, yet the effective assessment of managing risk as well as disruption is still an active conversation amongst project managers.

Management takes a new position and arranges new strategies to support potential critical paths in product development and distribution. The supply chain is now global, thanks to the help of the internet, and thus needs active plans to support the future growth of distribution of products to a diverse and otherwise complex sociological environment. By evaluating the current state, revealing potential trends and discussing the support of potential disruptions, a better understanding for problem solving and preventative measures will ensue. Current State The current state of affairs for…. Bartholomew, D. Supply Chains at Risk. Blanchard, D. Portrait of Best-In-Class Risk Management. Chopra, S. Managing Risk To Avoid Supply-Chain Breakdown.

MIT Sloan Management Review, 46 1 , Craighead, C. The Severity of Supply Chain Disruptions: Design Characteristics and Mitigation Capabilities. Decision Sciences, 38 1 , These levels of poverty indicate that the problem is severe and it is important to ensure that the steps that are taken to address poverty in Canada are timely and effective. In order to ensure that the scarce resources that are used to assist impoverished Canadians are applied effectively, though, there must also be some reliable ways of determining whether progress is being made or not. To this end, this paper provides a review and analysis of the relevant literature concerning the current debate about measuring poverty and wealth in Canada, followed by a….

Armitage, A. Social welfare in Canada, 4th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press Canada. Government: CIA world factbook. Canada GDP. The nine principles inform and guide the mentoring and coaching practice. Ethical practice is one of the nine principles of effective mentoring and coaching, and it enhances and safeguards mentoring and coaching. When ethical principles guide and inform the practice of mentoring and coaching, the client is safeguarded. Ethical principles include faithfulness, respect for the autonomy of the client, acting in a manner that is advantageous to the client, acting fairly and preventing harm. When these values are employed in mentoring and coaching, transparency and openness is achieved. Ethical mentoring and coaching are guided through professional practice codes and legal requirements.

Operating within agreed boundaries and limits makes the client to feel secure. Sheena requires upholding ethical principles while mentoring the new teachers in her school Connor and Pokora, , p. However, she finds…. Connor, M. Coaching and mentoring at work: Developing effective practice. London: McGraw-Hill International. Crawnwell, J. Mentoring: A Henley review of best practice. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Hawkins, P. Coaching, mentoring and organizational consultancy: Supervision and development. London: McGraw-Hill International, Jan 1, Moberg, D. The Ethics of mentoring. Business Ethics Quarterly, 14 1 , health care issues that can be the basis for determining appropriate policy priorities. Review current literature and fully discuss hot topics, current reforms and two issues that should be imperative to health care policies.

The health care industry is fraught with issues that will continue to impact policies on a federal, sate and local level throughout the coming years. Disease management, health care reform and the threat of terrorism are all critical issues. The Impact of Current Health Care Issues The following memorandum outlines and discusses several challenges that are currently facing the health care industry. There are many flaws in the current health care system in this country and eventually legislation and policy reforms will need to be implemented in order to return health care to a "healthy" state. The issues facing health care policy makers are numerous but some are more critical than others and need more immediate….

Health Care Woes Boost Generics Bill. August Issues in Healthcare. Weekly Check on Health Care Costs and Coverage. November Fitness Business Trends Three current trends in classroom management One recent trend in classroom management is a stress on defined goals and expectations. The popular classroom behavioral management program Wong's Pragmatic Theory "stresses that classroom procedures and rules are clarified at the very beginning of the school year. Teachers are to instruct students how to follow rules and procedures. The teacher prepares lessons about the rules and procedures so that he or she can thoroughly teach the kids about the classroom procedures and rules" Miller This stress upon predictability is also commensurate with such philosophies as behavioral theory, which emphasizes how student behavior can be shaped and reformed through goal-setting.

Students are given goals to strive for and then are rewarded for reaching those goals. For students with behavioral issues this can be useful given that it provides concrete, reward-based mechanisms for improvement. The need for greater adherence to…. Lynch, M. Future trends in K classroom management. Education Week. Miller, K. Wong's Pragmatic Theory: Advantages over disadvantages. Social Class My current social class is dependent upon the fundamental reason why I am writing this paper: my level of education. Even though it is an idealization to consider that education in America is as meritocratic as it pretends to be, and whether its high price-tag is merited.

The price tag looks particularly high when viewed in comparison with most European countries, in which the cost of university education is virtually subsidized. Recent riots broke out in London over the raising of the level of school fees required to be paid by students at universities like Oxford and Cambridge. By American standards, even the proposed raised fees make Oxford only as expensive as a community college education would be for an American. Nevertheless, the price tag of an education in America is only part of the complex process whereby it does offer an automatic way of increasing one's own…. Changing Attitudes Regarding Same-Sex Marriages Even in today's modern, permissive society, many people are still jolted by the idea of same-sex marriage.

However, throughout history, regardless of whether or not society encouraged it, gay and lesbian couples have been living with one another for centuries. The only difference today is that gays and lesbians are now demanding the same rights as heterosexuals, including the government's recognition of their relationships. With official recognition, gay and lesbian couples would have the right to all economic and family-oriented privileges as heterosexual couples have. For example, surviving gay partners would have the right to obtain pension and Social Security payments.

And gays and lesbians would be able to include their partners in their health insurance packages. However, many state and national agencies still have old-fashioned attitudes toward same-sex marriages. For example, the New Jersey Family Policy Council believes that the institution of marriage would…. Page, Jeffrey. July 2, Recognition for same-sex marriages. The Record. Examining the Issue. Criminal Justice System Challenges of Mara Salvatrucha MS to law enforcement Law enforcement agencies view the Mara Salvatrucha MS the most harmful street gang in the U. The aggressive nature of MS members have led to a variety of killings and terrible beatings.

Various trials held in New York and Maryland have led to significant jail terms even extending to life imprisonment for MS members. The FBI was first attracted by violence, but proof of the gang's escalating level of organization has drawn public attention. Organization is an indicator of a future where MS is will be a transnational network of criminals extending from the United States to suburban communities in a multitude of U. towns Mandel, Despite functions of violence, it is worrying to note that MS movement is improving its structure and organization. Many major security experts are comparing it to the illegal groups of the 50s….

Erbschloe, M. Information Warfare How To Survive Cyber Attacks. Mandel, R. Global Security Upheaval Armed Nonstate Groups Usurping State Stability Functions. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Scheck, B. New York: Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University. Siegel, L. Essentials of Criminal Justice 6th Ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Translational ResearchCurrent Nursing Practice in the Healthcare Setting Requiring ChangeThere are numerous areas within nursing that demand change in everyday healthcare practice. More often than not, irrespective of the healthcare setting, an inventive group is required to conduct research and facilitate change.

I presently work as a clinical educator in my hospital. There are numerous practices that require change or upgrading. Subsequent to conducting a review and research analysis, my decision is to include bedside reporting, which is lacking within the hospital. Bedside report occurs between the outward-bound and inward-bound nurse alongside a patients bedside while conducting a shift change. The meeting is purposed to facilitate patient engagement in trade of real-time information during shift change. This provides both the inward-bound nurse and the patient the prospect to ask questions and authenticate significant information regarding the history of the patient and care plan prior to the outgoing nurse leaving Rush,…. Technology in History Classes] Since the beginning of education in the U.

In a growing number of schools, technological innovations are beginning to significantly change the way that information is conveyed and students learn. Depending on the creativity of the teacher, the advent of computers, CD-ROMs, videodiscs, multimedia, and cable networks is expanding the breadth of the curriculum -- from mathematics to the social sciences. For example, teachers have found multiple ways to restructure technology into high school history that have made an often very dry topic come to life. In Howard Gardner, a Harvard University professor, introduced his theory of "multiple intelligences" MI.

His book Intelligence Reframed showed that…. Warren, W. misconduct of police officers and abuse by law enforcement in the United States. In the past few years, there has been an increase in instances of police misconduct and behavior and lack of reprimanding of such law enforcement officers. These are one of the most stringent and acrimonious human rights desecrations in the nation. Police have taken part in baseless and unwarranted shootings, austere beatings, lethal chokings, and rough treatment without cause. Whereas the percentage of continually abusive and delinquent officers on any force is usually minimal, more often than not, responsible authorities fail to undertake decisive action to contain or reprimand such acts Human ights Watch, Police misconduct takes into account unlawful or unethical actions or the violations of people's statutory rights by police officers in the conduct of their day-to-day duties.

Instances of police misconduct comprise of police inhumaneness, duplicity, fraud, intimidation, torture to force admissions, abuse…. California Innocence Project. Police Misconduct. CBS News. Police officer charged with fabricating story that black man shot her. Clinard, M. Sociology of deviant behavior. Nelson Education. oil shock like the one now looming as a result of the impending war with Iraq will affect the United States economy. War with Iraq is imminent. While any degree of instability in the Middle East region is reason enough to worry, when one couples this reality with the fact that Saddam Hussein is widely considered to be unstable, the recipe for disaster is compounded many-fold.

Unfortunately for the United States, this disaster will not be contained to the immediate region of the Persian Gulf. The oil supply disruption that is sure to follow the launching of an attack by American troops will reverberate throughout the world and will hit the U. economy especially hard because of its high dependence on this fossil fuel. Synopsis of Issue To get some kind of perspective on this issue, consider the extent of the known oil reserves in Iraq. According to reliable estimates…. Energy Price Impacts on the U. Economy n. Huntington, H. economic performance: Where does the asymmetry reside? The Energy Journal, Vol. Retrieved February 12, from. Aureus Current Areas of esearch Much of the current research on staphylococcus aureus centers on the emergence of antibiotic-resistance strains.

In particular, the resistant strain MSA is resistant to methicillin and related drugs. This has created a number of issues for medical practitioners, as staph infections are one of the more common infections that occur in a health setting. One of the threads of research in this regard concerns the spread of staph infection in the hospital setting. It has long been believed that s. aureus infections were transmitted between patients. Where outbreaks have occurred, the response has generally reflected this view, with patients being segregated, and other similar remedies. This is an important finding for health care facilities, because it changes…. Haba, E. Rhamnolipids as emulsifying agents for essential oil formulations:.

Staphylococcus aureus. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. Kriegeskorte, A. Inactivation of thyA in staphylococcus aureus attenuates virulence and has a strong impact on metabolism and virulence gene expression. Nuclear Power Nuclear energy: The Current Debate Energy creation and consumption has been the primary driving force of political and military action since the Industrial evolution, and arguably for centuries before this shift mechanization and the widespread use of fossil fuels. In the twentieth century, mankind acquired the ability to harness the power of atomic splitting and nuclear chain reactions seemed to many a promise of freedom form the problems of fossil fuels, including their expense and their unwanted effects on the world i.

Some were even so optimistic about nuclear energy's potential that they envisioned a world where electricity was free, and energy meets were easily, cheaply, and entirely met by nuclear means. eality has not been so rosy, of course, and concerns regarding the environmental and health safety of nuclear energy -- especially in the light of recent seismic events in Japan -- are now a major…. Bommer, J. Earthquake response spectra for seismic design of nuclear power plants in the UK. Nuclear Engineering and Design 3 : Lee, C. Oil prices, nuclear energy consumption, and economic growth: New evidence using a heterogeneous panel analysis. Energy Policy 39 4 : Political Debate One on the most hotly contested debates today is whether President Bush should invade Iraq.

Though there are numerous experts arguing both side of this debate, most of the public's questions are left unanswered. Terrorist Attacks There are critics who believe the United States involvement in the U. sanctions provoked the terrorist attacks on September They blame the sanctions for an increase in the death rate of Iraqi children due to starvation. Others, however, blame Saddam Hussein for the deaths, stating he is buying weapons and living a luxurious lifestyle instead of providing food and medical supplies to the Iraqi people Sanctions, An Argument Against ar The terrorist attacks have lead President Bush to consider invading Iraq.

Before he can make this decision, he must first address several issues such as how much threat does Iraq pose, the cost of war, relationships with Arab Community and…. DON'T BLAME THEH SANCTIONS. Denver Rocky Mountain News. Frazza, Luke. Agence France Presse. Xinhua News Agency. ecession Effect of the recession on upon financial market, the real economy and over everyday lives ecession is defined as the economic slowdown or decline characterized by slowing down of trade, a magnitude decline in the GDP, and a decrease in employment usually lasting between 6 months to a year. This was the situation in the U. The hardest times being from through and the early months of America is still recovering from the effects of the recession that the country experienced from to The slow down in economy triggered a massive job loss and unemployment rates that shot through the roof, the prices went up and a great deal of uncertainty rippled through the country.

This situation has now seen a reverse trend albeit at a slower rate than was expected by many. The unemployment rate in November fell by 0. Amitabh Shukia, Top 5 major Economic Effects of Recession on Economy. Browder, Laura, Rousing the Nation: Radical Culture in Depression America. economic crisis that hit the international community and the world economies has determined, since , a slow, almost invisible shift in the doctrinal preferences of more and more people in terms of deciding on the right economic approach to be followed in order to avoid such crises from taking place in the future.

Although there have been numerous attempts to convince on the benefits of capitalism, the economic crises that have taken place since the 70s on a cyclical basis have been used as counterarguments for the efficiency of capitalism and free market economies as we know it today. In this sense, more and more people, scholars, professors, and even politicians, advocate a more moderate approach to capitalism to include several aspects of apparently long-forgotten economic doctrines such as Marxism. However, Marxism in its purest form is not the solution; yet, it offers the justifications for what is now seen…. Dunleavy, Patrick, and Brendan O'Leary. Theories of the state. The Politics of Liberal Democracy. London and New York: Macmillan and Meredith, Harris, Richard L.

Jeffries, Stuart. Marx, Karl and Frederick Engels. Marxism Page. Work-Life Balance Does Leisure Time Affect Work Performance? Employees are the most valuable asset that any organization has in their possession. Many times it is difficult for employees to balance their obligations of work, yet still maintain a fulfilling life outside of the workplace. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia recognizes the importance of maintaining a healthy work and home life balance. This research measures the ability to detach from work to get quality leisure time and its impact on employees. The results found that at this organization workers did not have the ability to recover during leisure time.

Suggestions were made for improving the situation at the healthcare facility. Does Leisure Time Affect Work Performance? Introduction Employees are the most valuable asset that any organization has in their possession. Many times it is difficult for employees to balance their obligations of work, yet still maintain a fulfilling life outside of the…. Berg, J. When Callings Are Calling: Crafting Work and Leisure in Pursuit of Unanswered Occupational Callings. Organization Science. Binnewies, C. Feeling recovered and thinking about the good sides of one's work. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 14 3 ,, Demerouti, E. Need for recovery, home -- work interference and performance: Is lack of concentration the link?

Journal of Vocational Behavior. Fullick, S. Relationships between leisure-time energy expenditure and individual coping strategies for shift-work. Ergonomics 52 4 , globe has people of different backgrounds on basis of religion, culture, beliefs, economy and many other attributes, there is need to have some attributes that will help bind the globe. This is where the international laws come in, these are agreed upon treaties or conventions which nations look upon to bind them, often they have a universal attraction and entrusted into the hands of a global organization to ensure they are implemented. An example is the international law on basic human rights where each individual has the right to life and others that concern protection of women and children as the most vulnerable in times of war.

I was aware that there are rules of engagement in war but I never knew of the Jus War Doctrine. This is a doctrine that indicates that war is philosophically based on morals, there is a just war and unjust war. According to…. BBC News Europe, Ukraine v Russia militaries - in 60 seconds. Diversity It is an unfortunate fact that many Supreme Court Judges have proven themselves to be somewhat lacking in ethical conduct, creating a conflict between their office as guardians of justice and fairness and their own interests to promote their own agendas for greater power and wealth. Cheberenchick, Research Topic Ideas. by Paul Streby Last Updated Dec 15, 58 views this year.

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Spending hours to write a good essay is difficult, and brainstorming essay topic ideas can be even more confusing. This is what makes writing essays difficult and time-consuming. Luckily, you can learn essay writing with practice and by following some good examples. But before that, you should know how to choose a good and engaging topic for your essay. To help you get started, we have categorized a list of a number of different types of essay topic lists. An argumentative essay investigates a topic in great detail, forms an argument over it, and defends it using supporting data. Choosing a strong topic is key to writing a great essay. Have a look at our blog to select good argumentative essay topics to impress the audience. A persuasive essay is similar to an argumentative paper.

However, in it, the writer wants to convince the readers of their point of view. Simple essay topics would make better essays as they help the students stay focused. For your help, we have gathered a wide range of persuasive essay topics. Give it a read. A descriptive essay describes a specific thing by using sensory data. Here are some more descriptive essay topics to help you find a good idea for your essay. In a narrative essay, your goal is to share a personal experience by telling a story. This creative form of writing depends on how strong and exciting the theme is.

The article topics for students given here are carefully curated and would help the students do good in their essays. Choosing interesting narrative essay topics is essential to make the content compelling for the readers. While writing a research essay, the most crucial step is choosing a topic for your essay. Select a topic that is broad enough to compose an entire research essay on it. Looking for more? We have an extensive range of research essay topics to make the audience fall in love with your work. While writing an expository essay, you have to explain and clarify your topic clearly to the readers. com has gathered an additional and extensive list of expository essay topics. Tough Essay Due? Hire Tough Writers!

In a compare and contrast essay, you evaluate and analyze the similarities and differences between the two subjects. Your reader must be able to form an opinion after weighing the pros and cons you have set forth. Get more interesting compare and contrast essay topics at 5StarEssays. com to impress your instructors. The cause and effect essay explains why something happens and what happens as a result of those happenings. A cause and effect essay is a type of expository essay. To get more ideas, visit our cause and effect essay topics that are remarkable and well-suited for a great essay. Argumentative essay topics are quite popular assignments in universities.

If you are a student searching for a captivating argumentative essay topic, here is a list of ideas you can consider. Are you looking for some funny argumentative essay topics for your essay? If so, choose a topic from the following list. Essay writing requires depth. Paper Due? Why Suffer? That's our Job! Hopefully, you would have selected a topic for your essay. If you are looking for more ideas, try this free essay topic generator. You will find plenty of ideas for your essay. Still need help choosing an essay topic? We have a team of essay writers who are professionals and can do your essay. As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.

Make an Inquiry. Last updated on: Feb 2, Reviewed By: Rylee W. Published on: Feb 3, On this Page. Argumentative Essay Topics An argumentative essay investigates a topic in great detail, forms an argument over it, and defends it using supporting data. Below are some good argumentative essay topic ideas to help you draft winning essays. School students should be allowed to curate their high school curriculum. The role of physical education in the school system. Should the death sentence be implemented globally? It should be illegal to use certain types of animals for experiments and other research purposes. Should the government do more to improve accessibility for people with physical disabilities?

Do people learn the art of becoming a politician, or are they born with it? Social media platform owners should monitor and block comments containing hateful language. Does technology play a role in making people feel more isolated? Will there ever be a time when there will be no further technological advancements? It should be illegal to produce and sell tobacco. Girls should be motivated to take part in sports. Rape victims should abort their unborn children. Fathers should get equal paternity leave. Do teenagers get into trouble because they are bored? Individuals who have failed at parenting should be punished. Vaping is less harmful than smoking cigarettes. Covid vaccination has more cons than pros. Social media is the real cause of teenage depression. Is the American education system perfect for society?

Recycling should be made compulsory. Persuasive Essay Topics A persuasive essay is similar to an argumentative paper. Below is a list of some good persuasive essay topics for you: Energy drinks should be banned in schools and colleges. Gambling should be banned in the United States. Should abortions be banned worldwide? Hunting is an immoral act. Is it okay to use animals in a circus? Harmful dogs should be euthanized. Cell phones should not be allowed in schools. Teachers should pass a professional exam, just like students.

Schools should reduce the workload on students. Sex education should be mandatory in high schools. Is LinkedIn helpful for finding a job? Social media has played a big role in increasing business opportunities. Is Java becoming obsolete? Animal testing should be banned. Violent video games should be banned. Parents with mental disabilities should not be allowed to adopt children. Alcohol consumption should be legalized in Muslim countries. Every person should get Covid vaccination. Descriptive Essay Topics A descriptive essay describes a specific thing by using sensory data. The following is a list of descriptive essay topic ideas for the students. The person who is responsible for making a difference in my life. The most interesting piece of art I have ever seen.

50 Argumentative Essay Topics,Suggested Databases

WebNov 13,  · Some Social Issue Tips You Include in Your Essay are: Religion. Different religious settings and places of worship have bonds that bring their followers together. WebJun 2,  · List of argumentative essay topics Consider this list of argumentative essay topics by type to consider: Science Should the U.S. allow fracking? Should WebOct 22,  · Issues such as hurricanes, tsunamis, severe storms, warmer winters, increased sea levels, wildfires, and drought are attributed to pollution. Overpopulation, WebMar 17,  · Current Issues, Problems and Proposed Changes in Organizational Behavior: Cisco Change Management, Kurt Lewin's Three-Step Model and Kotter's Eight WebDec 30,  · What Are the Social Issues of Today? Top 12 Issues. COVID & Global Pandemic. Without a doubt, almost every sector of modern life has been affected by the ... read more

pdf Miller, W. In order to ensure that the scarce resources that are used to assist impoverished Canadians are applied effectively, though, there must also be some reliable ways of determining whether progress is being made or not. Any writing can be good, even if it isn't quite there yet. Accessed 1 June Teachers should pass a professional exam, just like students.

The only sure way for registered nurses to properly fulfill their responsibilities of delegation, is to maintain a relationship with the nurses they delegated and be available for them when necessary. A descriptive essay describes a specific thing by using sensory data. The difference comes from the methodology used to make their point, current issues topics for essay. To this variables some specific conditions for example inflation, and other economic situations are detected and the comparison provides the mechanism why the health care expenditure change. Current Issues Problems and Proposed Changes Words: Crawnwell, J.

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