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Was the cold war inevitable essay

Was the cold war inevitable essay

Why Was The Cold War Inevitable,The deadline is too short to read someone else's essay

WebThe war was referred to as cold because there was never any physical fighting between the two countries. The Cold War essentially began due to political and military clashes WebSome historians have argued that “Containment” was the wrong term for American/Western aims during the Cold War – the goal was in fact “the collapse and WebThe Cold War is one of the most noteworthy confrontations in history. It was a state of political tension and military rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union, and WebFeb 13,  · The cold war started because the united states was taunting the soviet union with military arms and the nuclear wouldn't be scared if someone had WebAlthough, the Cold War was avoidable due to the fact that better negotiating efforts could have been made and we exasperated the tension with the Soviet Union as a result of our ... read more

During this period international politics were shaped by this intense rivalry between this two great blocs of power and the political ideologies they represented. The United States and its allies represented democracy and capitalism while the Soviet Union and its allies represented communism. The Cold War was truly a global conflict more. The Truman administration was more influenced by balance of power considerations than any other considerations, including domestic politics. Because of the external threats to the United States between , it was inevitable that these policies would have been pursued.

Most significantly, Stalin at this point was perceived by the Western powers as having expansionist tendencies. Truman saw the Soviets as highly motivated to dominate the world, and committed to aggressively exploiting all opportunities to enlarge their sphere of influence. Albeit both Truman and Stalin expanded pressures in Europe and East Asia in the years quickly taking after World War II, the Icy War itself was likely inescapable. The partnership that had shaped between the United States and the USSR amid World War II was not sufficiently solid to defeat the previous many years of suspicion and unease between the two countries.

In addition, as both pioneers tried to accomplish their after war security goals, which were frequently fundamentally unrelated, nor was willing to bargain. In this paper I will discuss what actions and thoughts added up to cause the cold war. The cold war lasted from September 1, to about December 25, That is about forty-five years, which is an extremely long time. The cold war was a global competition basically between two sides, the Free World, which was led by the United States of America, and the Communist World led by the Soviet Union. The struggle took place through indirect military conflict, and direct competition in the areas of economics, diplomacy, culture, space exploration, and political theory.

It also involved nuclear stand offs, espionage, and global competition for other nations. The cold war has established the framework for most. The orthodox view regarding the cause of the Cold War, formed the standard interpretation between the s and earlys. The breakdown of the wartime alliance and the expansion of Soviet. The end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union resulted in major shift in United States foreign policy. For years, the United States supported tyrannical dictators in return for stable anti-communist government receptive to United States interests.

The Cold War resulted in a new world order with the United States as the lone global hegemonic power. In Eastern Europe in particular, the end of the Cold War ushered in an era of economic growth and a large increase in the number of liberal democracies. Although the world saw a large increase in liberal democracies, a new regime type referred to as competitive authoritarianism began to emerge. This doctrine was aimed at using alternative means before opening into combat. This, in light of the Cuban Missile Crisis in , it succeeded in doing. Essay Topics Writing. Home Page Research Was the Cold War Inevitable Essay.

Was the Cold War Inevitable Essay Better Essays. Open Document. On the other hand, the revisionists argued that it happened due to the actions that Soviets took and the consequential responses made by the United States as a result of their inflexible, single-sided interpretations of Soviet action. His rise to power made the Cold War virtually impossible to avoid. It claims that as long as Stalin and the authoritarian government were in power, a cold war was unavoidable. They had no real interest in helping Korea with its civil war, but since he Soviet Union was involved they had to be too. This happened in countless other places as well.

America got involved in China, Korea, Vietnam, and Cuba in spite of communism. They did not care that the people of these countries wanted independence. They put puppet leaders in charge of countries they knew nothing about and ended up choosing leaders who were corrupt and terrible. After the second World War no one wanted to help a country that was not an allie, reason being that countries, including the United States, were in critical conditions. By helping another country that means utilizing resources and if you are utilizing to much of those resources you can ultimately hurt your country by not being prepared for the worst.

Although it certainly contributed to the overall conflict, ideology was not the main concern that brought about the Cuban Missile Crisis but rather the threat of national security that it imposed on the US, Cuba and Soviet Union. The reason the crisis occurred was due to distinct differences in views on how society should be run and not simply based on rivalry amongst the superpowers. The US believed in democracy, and due to Soviet influence, Cuba supported a communist regime. The US were concerned that a communist state was now located only seventy miles from their borders. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Language and Plagiarism Checks. Essays Essays FlashCards. Sign in.

Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Why Was The Cold War Inevitable. Why Was The Cold War Inevitable Superior Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More. Related Documents Improved Essays. Colonialism In The Cold War Words 5 Pages. Colonialism In The Cold War. Improved Essays. Read More. Decent Essays. Communist parties in Europe made lots of headway. What Stalin did not anticipate was the way in which America responded. First of all, the US was more prepared for returning servicemen than even they realized.

The GI Bill was a stroke of genius. For one thing, it gave many servicemen the opportunity to go to college. That meant that many servicemen ended up going to school instead of returning to the work force. This alone forced an expansion of the education sector which in turn drove domestic consumption. The educated folks who graduated years later provided the basis for the educated workforce the US needed. The GI Bill also allows for servicemen to get decent mortgage rates, etc. This made it easier for employed servicemen to buy a house. Now, the construction industry had been moribund for much of the Depression and only returned to life during the War.

Well, the construction during the War was not for civilian use, so there was a huge pent up demand for housing. The construction industry actually expands. So, in the US there was a minor recession, but it was ameliorated in the long term by the GI Bill. The GI Bill was not intended to save the US from economic ruin: it was just a bonus. But the Marshall Plan was intended to save the West from economic ruin. People forget how much money and aid the US was already sending overseas and they focus on the Marshall Plan. It was all loan money, sure, but the US had rules on how it was to be spent. This, of course, drove the US economy even further. This was brilliant. The US was essentially writing a check to allow Western countries to deficit spend to rebuild their industrial sectors.

To Stalin this looks like a direct threat to him and the Soviet Union. Stalin knew that the Soviet Union and its satellite states were woefully behind in reconstruction. The idea here was to demonstrate to Europe that the Soviets were the only true power on the continent. Thus, we get recurring Berlin Crises, etc. Of course, the US did stand up to the Soviet Union which resulted in a hardening of the Western alliance. Stalin was brutal and evil, but he was not an idiot. His calculations are rational, but his conclusions were all wrong.

A few things happened. One of them is George Kennan. George Kennan articulated the theory of containment. To this end, Kennan posited, the Soviet Union needed to push worldwide revolution: communism could only be successful when it achieved world domination. He was right that economically a true communist state could only succeed if it had all means of production under its control. Stalin more likely wanted to neuter the major powers around him and to dominate Eurasia. In any case, Kennan argued that stopping the communist tide rested on a combination of approaches, diplomatic, cultural, economic, and military.

Kennan lays out a policy, but it catches fire for many reasons. One is that many politicians in the US are already inclined to be anti-communist. Plus, the sense is that giving the communists an inch anywhere would be appeasement, and that led to disaster with Hitler. There was certainly an uptick in Communist Party membership.

Could you imagine living in a time of constant fear of nuclear war? For many people living today, this was once a daily reality. From to , the two world superpowers, the United States and the USSR clashed in a series of ideological political battles that completely changed and defined the post-WWII world. This was known as the Cold War. After founding and developing Marxist ideologies over two world wars, the USSR naturally wanted to spread communism across the world. he first chapter of The Cold War: A New History begins by comparing the United States to the U. and talking about the similarities between the two.

It also talks about Communism and how Marx deemed it necessary in order to build up the economy. Lenin tried to implement Communism in Russia. They were not quite ready for that kind of system, so Stalin tried to modernize the economy. The U. had more casualties in World War II, but things were not necessarily looking great in America either. citizens were afraid that the Great Depression could return. Many Americans were tired of helping out other nations and just wanted the war to be over completely. John Lewis Gaddis, the author of The Cold War: A New History, is talking about the fact that just because the war was over, Americans were not necessarily at peace.

There were many different economic and social factors that the United States had to deal with in the post World War II years. Daniella Gat GlobalA 1 U. S actions during the Cold War were not justified. It has probably happened many times in life when you take actions and someone gets mad or doesn 't agree. Then you must come up with any reason possible to make it justified, but sometimes not everything can be justified. The actions that the U. The Cold War lasted forty plus years and these conflicting ideologies threatened peace throughout the world, consequently the battle verses communism and democracy was at the root of the Cold War conflict. Social, political, and economic conditions of the world were influenced by the ongoing threats of the Cold War.

In the Soviet Union, communist rulers firmly controlled all aspects of Soviet life and they dominated Eastern Europe through imperialism. The Soviet government held a tight grip on its citizens and used fear to control them, hence western influences were forbidden because the government thought it would poison and threaten their beliefs. The government and economy was often unstable and was frequently on the verge of collapse,. West Berlin relied entirely on their allies to transport supplies into the capital or city or something. The Western Powers generally transported supplies by ways of trucks and railway. Democracy was becoming too strong so the Soviet Union thought that they could drive the Western Powers out of West Berlin.

They thought that if they could block any way of the allies from coming into West Berlin by land, they would eventually give up and stop supporting them. Sarah Paroya D period I hate MUSH The end of World War II should have marked a period of relief in America but instead, it lead America into a completely different type of war called the Cold War. The Cold War was an ongoing state of political and military tension between the United States and the Soviet Union. This constant state of tension and fear had been embedded deep in the American public. Simply put, In a Communist system, individual people do not own land, factories, or machinery. Instead, the government or the whole community owns these things. The ultimate goal of communism is to create a classless society and creating a dictatorship A government in which one ruler has complete control over a country.

For nearly 35 years, the Cold War took place between the Soviet Union and the United States. The war was referred to as cold because there was never any physical fighting between the two countries. The Cold War essentially began due to political and military clashes between the two countries. After WW2, the United States sought for stronger united Germany and independent nations in Eastern Europe. The United States president. There are three competing theories of the causes of the Cold War; the traditional theory, the liberal theory, and the ideological theory.

In all three theories lie causes that could have equally contributed to the conflict, but only one is more convincing than the others. Harry Truman thought that giving up on berlin would lead to the loss of all Germany under the control of the Soviets. agreed with their allies to supply western Berlin through air hallways. Supplies were sent every day. The United States and the Soviet Union had differences over issues such as human rights, individual liberties, economic freedom, and religious belief. After the WWII Soviets dominate European countries and thought the U. had the same motives. Their motives were to keep the Western fascists out of East Berlin.

This division caused a panic to boths sides of Berlin as it would if any other country split into two because of their political views: communism vs. West Berlin received help from the U. and succeeded in their fight against communism when the wall between the two societies was torn. The Cold War was an icy rivalry that developed between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II. This rivalry first developed because the two conflicting nations had different ideas of successful economies. The United States believed that capitalism, in which private owners control trade and industry was more efficient than Communism, in which the state or government control trade and industry. In addition, many of the events that occurred at The Yalta Conference played a significant role in the cause of this era of competition that lasted from to Kennedy, July All of the Cold War Presidents had some ways of dealing with Communism.

Truman and also Eisenhower had their same ways of dealing Communism. However Eisenhower was using Military Response, but Kennedy used Flexible Response. Edward Ayers stated in their book, The American Anthem, the Cold War was an time period when the US and the Soviet Union were against each other because of when they had conflicts between each other, but mostly from the Berlin Crisis A Belief that all property and resources are owned by a certain person Ayers Two of the most superpower nations were struggling with each other. The end of the Second World War brought dramatic changes to the world, including the role of the United States. In an effort to maintain a global position of dominance, the nation engaged in a Cold War with the Soviet Union.

While Americans supported a capitalistic model of society, the Soviets supported a Communist one. These two world powers fought to exchange socioeconomic models for alliance and support from third-world countries. The US was frightened by the spread of Communism, especially to their own nation. The capital city of Germany, Berlin, was also divided into 2 sections, eastern Berlin and western Berlin. Although Berlin was located in the Soviet zone, the Yalta and Potsdam agreements likewise split the German capital into Allied sectors: The Soviets took the eastern half, while the other Allies took the western. This occupation of Berlin, governed by a multi power agency called the Kommandatura, began in June IPL Was The Cold War Inevitable Essay.

Was The Cold War Inevitable Essay Words 4 Pages. Some historians believe the Cold War was inevitable because of the hostilities from both America and the Soviet Union after World War II. America believed that the USSR was an expansionist country trying to spread an evil, communistic idea throughout the world. Although the countries never directly fought against each other, as they only fought in proxy wars, there was still extreme conflict. The United States responded to the Soviets actions in Germany, Europe, and their national actions. These responses were justifiable, or so many Americans at the time believed. Many realized that the Soviet Union was a terrible foe to face, as George Kennan, a respected American diplomat, noticed.

After the conference, the Western Allies unified their German occupation zones to create West Germany. In response to this, Soviets built the Berlin Blockade, cutting off railways, highways, and waterways into West Berlin. To counteract this, the United States airlifted food and supplies to the residents, until Soviets finally realized their blockade was not achieving their goals, and tore it down in May This became one of the first of many international crisis of the Cold War, in which America responded well, not destroying the blockade or attacking the Soviets, but by delivering supplies through an alternate route until the USSR had no choice but to acknowledge their actions were futile and remove the blockade.

Show More. Post Cold War Dbq Words 4 Pages Could you imagine living in a time of constant fear of nuclear war? Read More. John Lewis Gaddis's The Cold War: A New History Words 3 Pages he first chapter of The Cold War: A New History begins by comparing the United States to the U. Was The Cold War Justified Essay Words 4 Pages Daniella Gat GlobalA 1 U. The Cold War Vs. Communism And Democracy Words 2 Pages The Cold War lasted forty plus years and these conflicting ideologies threatened peace throughout the world, consequently the battle verses communism and democracy was at the root of the Cold War conflict. DBQ Essay: The Cold War Words 2 Pages Sarah Paroya D period I hate MUSH The end of World War II should have marked a period of relief in America but instead, it lead America into a completely different type of war called the Cold War.

Dbq Essay On The Cold War Words 4 Pages Simply put, In a Communist system, individual people do not own land, factories, or machinery. The Three Main Causes Of The Cold War Words 3 Pages There are three competing theories of the causes of the Cold War; the traditional theory, the liberal theory, and the ideological theory. How Did Stalin Build The Berlin Airlift Words 2 Pages Harry Truman thought that giving up on berlin would lead to the loss of all Germany under the control of the Soviets. Who Was Responsible For The Cold War Essay Words 2 Pages "The Cold War was an ideological contest between the western democracies especially the United States and the Communist countries that emerged after the Second World War" Tindall North Korea Dbq Analysis Words 2 Pages Their motives were to keep the Western fascists out of East Berlin.

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Was the Cold War Inevitable,Causes of the Cold War Essay

WebDec 2,  · With the end of World War II (WWII) in began the Cold War, an international conflict that lasted from – and plagued nations across the globe. WebAlthough, the Cold War was avoidable due to the fact that better negotiating efforts could have been made and we exasperated the tension with the Soviet Union as a result of our WebFeb 13,  · The cold war started because the united states was taunting the soviet union with military arms and the nuclear wouldn't be scared if someone had WebThe belief that the Cold War was inevitable is completely false. Undoubtedly there would be tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union after the war, but to claim WebThe Cold War is one of the most noteworthy confrontations in history. It was a state of political tension and military rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union, and WebSome historians have argued that “Containment” was the wrong term for American/Western aims during the Cold War – the goal was in fact “the collapse and ... read more

That meant that many servicemen ended up going to school instead of returning to the work force. They ended up both raising the stakes, because neither one wanted to be humiliated. The Cold War Essay Words 5 Pages 4 Works Cited. Was the Cold War Inevitable Essay. Stalin was intimidated by Nazi Germany during WWII and needed a form of security, which resulted in the development of the Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact. Dbq Essay On The Cold War Words 4 Pages Simply put, In a Communist system, individual people do not own land, factories, or machinery. Waltz believes that bipolar systems provide more stability and thus provide a better guarantee of security and peace than multipolar systems.

In order to effectively answer to this issue, the origins and conflicts leading to the Cold War must be evaluated with reference to the post-war territorial. However, the revisionist historians, or second generation historians, understands that the US had expansionist intentions and the USSR acted in a defensive manner Crockatt Works Cited Lightbody, Bradley. Perceiving the Cold War through the Rocky IV Movie. Ultimately, Cold War was inevitable to a moderate extent, was the cold war inevitable essay. The cold war lasted from September 1, to about December 25,

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