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Illiteracy in india essay

Illiteracy in india essay

Essay on Illiteracy in India,Important Links

WebNov 28,  · Illiteracy in India Mass Illiteracy Problem in India. Every issue that our society faces is like a link of a chain. Each issue is connected Effect of Illiteracy. WebMay 1,  · Illiteracy means ignorance and lack of knowledge. For example, a person goes to school but does not know how to operate a computer. Such a person has no WebIlliteracy in India: Problems and Progress by Constance M. McCullough Tndia is so vast and varied that any one comment, even any one article, about her literacy problem is WebOct 15,  · Illiteracy is a state whereby one is unable to read and write. In its simplest form, it can be defined as lack of any or sufficient education. Sometimes people who WebEssay on Illiteracy in English for Students and Children. India is one of the backward countries in many respects but particularly in literacy. Hardly 70% of the people in India ... read more

Despite this, the government has declared primary education as free in all government schools. Many illiterate parents emphasize little on the importance of education. Even today, there are some areas where many of the older generation have not even received an early education. So, we can say it still needs the root of education in India is still to be developed so that the tree of literacy will stands strongly. This also One reason for illiteracy can be so that where the child has difficulty reading or writing because of dyslexia, dysorthographia, etc… When the family understands the condition of the child. They do not get it, and children cannot get family support like this. They could not pay a fee of the institute. It is a major problem which happening in India during higher education of students.

Not only poor but also middle-class families cannot pay an outrageous amount of fees asked from various institutions. If an illiterate person unable to read and write he cannot reach his train seats, he will face difficulties everywhere. In this technology world, nothing work without education. The moneylenders and the landlords cheat them by stealing their lands. People exploits illiterate peoples. Illiterates face difficulties everywhere at home and also outside. Even people cannot use new machines because of illiteracy. The Constitution Eighty-sixth Amendment Act, has included Article A in the Constitution of India as a fundamental right to provide free and compulsory education to all children between the ages of six to fourteen.

But if the government increased it to colleges and university levels, it would make the country more independent by making more people literate. Since some people cannot enroll their children in school because of lack of money to pay fees. Hence offering free education can increase the number of people attending school and subsequently reduce the level of illiteracy in the society, thus incorporating this rule under the Right to Education in the Indian Constitution in the year Creating awareness about the importance of education can help people understand that they need to go to school. Many non-governmental organizations, government agencies and other related parties should create literacy awareness in the society.

Providing grants and scholarships can reduce the financial burden of poor and middle-class people to educate their children. Democracy without education is meaningless. It is education and enlightenment that lifts a nation to the heights of progress and greatness. Unfortunately, the situation as it obtains in India in respect of education is not only distressing but disgraceful and deplorable. Adult education is needed because it is a powerful auxiliary and an essential incentive to primary education. No programme of compulsory universal education can bear fruit without the active support and co-operation of adults….

Literacy is defined as the ability when reading, writing and working with basic numbers. On the other hand, illiteracy is fundamentally not being able to read or to comprehend written communication; in fact, illiterates cannot understand some opinions from other persons. People who are illiterate feel pressure from society and they start to feel emotions such as anxious and depressant because they cannot read or understand simple things, for example: read a newspaper, the inability to follow written instructions, read signs on the road, and so on.

There are two effects of illiteracy: illiteracy creates an obstacle to their development as well as a function on society and toward their self esteem. An illiterate person is like a handicapped person who is unfamiliar with the happenings in his surroundings, cant even drive because of his lack of ability to understand the basic symbols and traffic signs, cant read menus and the list goes on. HOME ESSAYS Illiteracy in India. Illiteracy in India Good Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Illiteracy in India disadvantages; propositions Education acts as a refuge in adversity. It empowers the people. If the growth of a nation is to be people-centric, and if development is to be whole, then the people must be empowered and stimulated through education. Current situation disadvantages : India is the largest democracy in the world.

Clearly, rural India is dominated by illiteracy. Lack of education has resulted in growth of unemployment, poverty and a substantial increase in rate of growth of population. Most of the voters are illiterate; votes of the literate people which are already meagre in number since literate Indians often choose not to vote, considering the fact that almost all candidates are illiterate and incompetent do not affect the election process in a major way. Illiteracy has proven to be a major handicap. May I add that people who have never been to school themselves run it!! The whole system is based on rote learning, the curriculum is rarely updated and teachers in rural schools lack necessary qualifications and. Continue Reading. You May Also Find These Documents Helpful.

Good Essays. Mass Illiteracy Problem in India Words 6 Pages. Mass Illiteracy Problem in India. Read More. Satisfactory Essays. Effect of Illiteracy Words 2 Pages. Effect of Illiteracy. Poverty and Illiteracy Words 2 Pages. Poverty and Illiteracy. The Human Cost of an Illiterate Society Words 2 Pages. Instead of going through the tiresome process of walking for long distances on a daily basis just to go to school, many choose to stay at home. Lack of access to education facilities in rural areas has contributed a lot to the high number of illiterate people in these places. Poverty: Poor parents with low incomes find it difficult to pay school fees. They are forced to choose between providing basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing and taking their children to school.

In countries where basic education is not free, the number of children who do not go to school tends to be higher compared to places where basic education is free and mandatory. What are the consequences of Illiteracy? How does illiteracy affect the life of an individual and the society? These are some of the effects and consequences of the inability to read and write:. Hinders economic and social progress: Illiteracy greatly inhibits the economic and social progress of an individual as well as that of the country. Education gives one the power to seek opportunities and pursue them. People who have gone to school or are well educated have the expertise and intelligence to make good investment decisions and drive the growth agenda of a nation.

Illiteracy, therefore, hinders the development of the country. Poverty: Illiteracy leads to poverty. Education equips one with the right skills and expertise for gainful employment. A person who has not gone to school and is unable to read and write may experience a hard time in finding a job especially in a world where the corporate environment is increasingly in demand for employees who are well-trained and can cope with an industry driven by technology. Without a reasonable source of income, taking care of the dependent family members may prove to be difficult. Child marriage: This is also a problem that may come about due to illiteracy. Parents may fail to recognize the benefits of taking children to school to learn how to read and write. Instead, the girl child may be forced into early marriage.

It may also be a means of raising money through dowry payments to support the rest of the family members. In a way, the girl child is viewed as a property in some cultures. They can be traded to help the family make ends meet. The practice is especially rampant in areas where a lot of people have not gone to school. Difficult life: An illiterate person can lead a difficult life in so many ways. The inability to find gainful employment can subject one to a life of poverty with poor living conditions. There can be a lack of basic necessities such as good shelter, clothing and decent meals. Illiteracy can also make one a societal misfit more so in areas where many people have gone to school and have the ability to read and write.

Such a person can be the center of ridicule and suffer from stress and low self-esteem. Without the ability to read and write, it can be hard to read instructions which in some cases may have dire consequences. Social crimes: Through education, a person can cultivate some civic sense and develop behavior patterns that are socially acceptable. Illiterate people may engage in unlawful acts in the society due to lack of employment or simply as a result of being uncultured. In countries where the number of those who have not gone to school is high, social crime levels also tend to be high.

Underpayment, Underemployment, Unemployment: We live in a world where the job market favors people who are properly educated with useful skills to drive company growth.

Essay on Illiteracy in India! These essays will also guide you to learn about the definition, reasons, causes, importance, effects and drawbacks of illiteracy with initiatives taken by the Government of India. Contents List of Essays on Illiteracy in India Essay on Illiteracy in India — Short Essay Essay 1 — Words Essay on Illiteracy in India — 10 Lines on Illiteracy in India Written in English Essay 2 — Words Essay on Illiteracy in India Essay 3 — Words Essay on Illiteracy in India — For School Students Class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Standard Essay 4 — Words Essay on Illiteracy in India — With Solutions Essay 5 — Words Essay on Illiteracy in India — For College and University Students Essay 6 — Words Essay on Illiteracy in India — Introduction, Causes, Drawbacks and Conclusion Essay 7 — Words Essay on Illiteracy in India Essay 8 — Words Essay on Illiteracy in India — Long Essay for Competitive Exams Like IAS, IPS and UPSC Essay 9 — Words.

Illiteracy is basically defined as the inability of a person to read and write. People with this inability and with lack of knowledge in a particular field or subject are called illiterates. This, as well as other compounded factors, have led to a high rate of illiteracy in India. Although there have been initiatives by the Government to reduce the rate of illiteracy in India, the goal is far from being achieved, therefore it becomes all the more necessary for the students of today to know more about illiteracy in India. Hence we have come up with long essays for students which they educate them on the causes and the currents schemes in place to reduce the illiteracy in India. Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school students Class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Standard and college students.

Furthermore, those students preparing for competitive exams like IAS, IPS and UPSC can also increase their knowledge by studying these essays. Illiteracy is like an internal disease of independent India. After attaining freedom, we found that our illiteracy is the main obstacle in our development. It feels such a shame that the country which was an ideal for other countries,has high illiteracy rate. Illiteracy in India is mostly prevalent in the rural areas. Few of the reasons for illiteracy in India include poverty, lack of quality education, illiteracy among women, etc. Many other initiatives have been started by the Government to ensure that there is increase in the literacy rate in India.

Today, literacy rate in India is at More efforts are still being made and finally there will be a day in future when illiteracy in India will be completely non-existent. When it comes to illiteracy in India, the statistics could be staggering. There are so many people who have not been imparted even the basic education and their state is pitiable to say the least. When we are discussing illiteracy in India, it refers to the people who never went to school and were deprived of their right to education. While there are government schools and rules that say primary education is free for all, these rules are often not put into practise.

Even in rural areas where the rules are put into practise, parents from poor families put their children to work so that they could assist in piling more income. The only solution is to make people aware of the need for education. If we want our country to make good amount of progress, it is important for the citizens to be literate. Illiteracy in India is one of the grave problems which need to be remedied before it becomes too huge to handle. So, try and create awareness campaign and let people know about their basic right to free education.

Giving the right incentives might trigger the change which has become the need of the hour. Illiteracy in India is a curse since it holds the people in complete darkness. India is the second largest populated country in the world and its illiteracy rate is also high. Although many initiatives and measures taken by the government have reduced illiteracy to a large extent, still, nearly million people in India are illiterates. This hinders the economic progress of our nation and this must be eradicated. Let us analyze the main causes for illiteracy in India and the ways to remove it from our society.

The root cause for high illiteracy rate in India is Poverty. Parents with poor financial background are unable to send their children even to government schools since they cannot afford to buy their books and other necessities. Lack of awareness and gender inequality is another reason for illiteracy in India among girl children in most rural areas. The first and most important welfare measure that the Government of India can do to its people is to remove illiteracy in India. Education must be made free ; this must include fees, books, uniforms, food, stationeries and everything that the child needs. Awareness programs on the importance of education must be conducted in each and every part of the country. Illiteracy is the state of being unable to read or write.

India is the home of largest population of adults who are illiterate in the world. Illiteracy in India is a complex problem with many reasons contributing to the issue. There is gender imbalance, income disparity, state imbalances, caste, technological barriers which lead to the illiteracy rate in the nation. Another reason behind this problem is the inadequate school facilities. The staff employed in most government schools are unskilled and inefficient. Lack of proper sanitation is another reason for children dropping out from schools. Commercialization of education is also one factor that has led to the declining state of education.

With the ever growing population, reducing illiteracy in India continues to be a challenge for our nation. Level of literacy and ability to attain education is the backbone of development in a country like India. It enhances the quality of life, awareness amongst population and skill levels in the society. There are steps taken by the government to reduce illiteracy in India. In , the Right to Education was incorporated in the Constitution. According to this, children have a fundamental right to free education. But the Right to Education still needs to be extended so that we reach not only the children but also include the adult population of the country. There are other policies and NGOs that focus on making the children and adults literate.

Its objective is to give a platform where the educated people can teach the unprivileged children. Illiteracy in India is a huge obstacle in its economic growth. Actually, the condition of being incapable of writing or reading is known as illiteracy. There are so many people in India who are living under the darkness of ignorance due to illiteracy and get easily betrayed in other phases of life. It has turned out to be a big scar in the global image of India. The illiteracy in India has deteriorated the backbone of the nation. It is not merely mystifying the Indian democracy gradually but increasingly also leading the huge democratic system of this nation to trouble.

Today, the Illiteracy in India is quite a big question for the government. It is very important to eradicate the branch and roots of the illiteracy in India for making the life of the people happy and flourishing. To eliminate the problem of Illiteracy in India and to fetch the economic, social, as well as political developments, all the educated people and students must join their hands altogether in all probable manners. The following are few solutions to the problem of Illiteracy in India to some extent:.

There are some great efforts by the U. for removing the issue of illiteracy in India which is an under-developed nation. In fact, they have also declared the year as the Global Literacy year. The calendars and postal stamps have been issued by the central government for this purpose but such things are not adequate for advertising of literacy in a big nation like India. The government should construct more schools all over India and there must be sufficient budgets in the State and Central government to overcome the issue of illiteracy in India. There should be more efforts by the Indian government to bring each kid to the school. In fact, they should also prohibit the child labor to achieve this solution. Charitable societies including the non-formal or formal educational organizations must help the poor people in becoming literate.

It is true to say that only government cannot handle the difficult mission of eliminating illiteracy in India. People have to volunteer to carry out this national obligation so that the drive of eradicating the illiteracy in India can turn into a huge mass movement. Assuredly, India can rank behind over the socio-economic development in comparison to the other nations if the intellectuals of the nations do not think sincerely over this harmful sickness of illiteracy in India. Illiteracy in India is the biggest stigma on the socio-economic progress of modern times. Although the literacy rate in the country has enhanced to According to the census, the effective literacy rate for the males was Illiteracy in India has resulted in a negative impact on family planning and population control efforts in India.

Poverty is one of the foremost problems faced by India for ages. Poverty becomes a root cause of the widespread illiteracy in India. Families who struggle for their daily bread cannot afford education for their children. Apparently these people tend to make their children work to cope with the financial problems. Illiteracy in India is proliferated as schools are out of reach for the underprivileged people living in rural areas. The schools in rural areas of India lack in various issues like the medium of transportation. Students in rural areas have to walk for miles to reach the school.

Most of these schools are deprived of funds, qualified staff, proper seating arrangements, sanitation facilities, healthy food and education friendly environment. A large percentage of children are deprived of even basic primary school education due to major social problems like caste discrimination, child marriage, child labour. Illiteracy in India is accentuated by the huge gender bias exists against females in terms of education. A girl child is denied education by stating illogical reasons like her existence is only to take care of her family and kids. Illiteracy in India affects the personal growth of people and the economic progress of the country. Lack of education makes people unqualified for so many job opportunities.

Living becomes difficult when they are not able to get jobs and earn money. Such people are unable to earn money and they incline to the crime world and earn living by unethical and wrong ways. Both Central and State Government have undertaken many initiatives and schemes to eradicate Illiteracy in India. The Sarva Shikasha Abhiyan operating since covers people who domains, especially elderly citizens and women to provide primary education. National Literacy Mission Program was implemented in to educate millions of people in India.

Illiteracy in India,Illiteracy in India

WebAug 6,  · Illiteracy issue in India The results displayed in the graph are too clear to be ignored. Seemingly the market value of gold will eventually break free from the powerful WebNov 28,  · Illiteracy in India Mass Illiteracy Problem in India. Every issue that our society faces is like a link of a chain. Each issue is connected Effect of Illiteracy. WebEssay on Illiteracy in English for Students and Children. India is one of the backward countries in many respects but particularly in literacy. Hardly 70% of the people in India WebMay 1,  · Illiteracy means ignorance and lack of knowledge. For example, a person goes to school but does not know how to operate a computer. Such a person has no WebOct 15,  · Illiteracy is a state whereby one is unable to read and write. In its simplest form, it can be defined as lack of any or sufficient education. Sometimes people who WebIlliteracy in India: Problems and Progress by Constance M. McCullough Tndia is so vast and varied that any one comment, even any one article, about her literacy problem is ... read more

The enrolment of students in the primary and middle schools has increased by about five times that is, from Illiteracy in India is a huge obstacle in its economic growth. For a better understanding, of the importance of being literate, when you scroll down you will see famous Illiteracy Quotes by influential personalities. Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Copyrights. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional".

The chain of issues in this society that we live in, the strongest link of that chain is illiteracy. Another factor which has largely been responsible for the lack of interest in people being literate is the technology of agricultural practices in India, illiteracy in india essay. Inthe Right to Education was incorporated in the Constitution. They could not pay a fee of the institute. Sign Up or Login to your account to leave your opinion on this Essay. Either the parents are unaware of the importance of education or they are too poor to manage for their bare minimum illiteracy in india essay, let alone the education of their kids.

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