Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Essay research topics

Essay research topics

100 Good Research Topics,�� Top 10 Research Topics for 2023

WebJan 29,  · Here are a few topic suggestions: The depiction of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby. Jay Gatsby first appears as an example of the American Dream. Web Research Essay Topics With the basics of research essay writing out of the way, students can now choose any of the following research essay topics from the list WebA research paper is a piece of academic writing that provides analysis, interpretation, and argument based on in-depth independent research. Research papers are similar to WebDec 15,  · Urban Sociology Research Topics. Urbanization in the United States. Sociology and globalization. Urban poverty and the city. Urban inequalities and WebOct 7,  · study of abnormal psychology. Social anxiety disorder. Cognitive disorders in endogenous psychoses. investigation self-harm disorder. Lying and Truthfulness. ... read more

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In the article prepared by Social studies is an integrated research field. It includes a range of topics on social science and humanities, such as history, culture, geography, sociology, education, etc. A social studies essay might be assigned to any middle school, high school, or college student. It might seem like a daunting task, but When you look for a good research paper topic, you can easily become the severest critic of any proposed idea. Some topics do not interest you at the very least, while others might shock your teachers. Where is the golden mean? Check out this list of top research paper Use discount. Toogle TOC. Delivered on time! Place the order and get your paper in 3 hours , plagiarism-free! Learn more. Ask your professor. Chances are your professor has some fabulous research paper ideas.

You can also inquire with other university staff and graduate students for ideas. These people know your discipline well, which can work to your advantage. Browse through scientific journals and research papers , but be sure to adhere to the most recent research possible. You will definitely find interesting ideas in published papers that would make great research paper topics. Investigate other professional and government publications for research project ideas. Again, keep to the most recent publications within the last three to five years, if possible. Browse through your library catalog to uncover the most interesting areas of study in your field.

Take notes everywhere you go! Research paper ideas are absolutely everywhere! Write things down whenever you come across something unique and interesting, and you just might find a topic to pursue. Learn More. Has big data changed our lives for the better? Big data is a trendy study subject. Large IT companies use it for purposes such as advertising and logistics. However, it has also raised substantial privacy concerns over non-consensual data gathering. Are the benefits companies get by collecting your data worth them learning everything about you? Neural networks are algorithms that can learn to solve problems. Both their name and method of learning are derived from how the human brain works. Can neural networks lead to the creation of a true AI?

If so, how soon? The current state of cryptography and how it may develop. If they were to be broken, the potential damage would be immeasurable. How likely is that to happen? What challenges are we likely to face in the future? The pros and cons of transitioning to cloud technologies. Cloud services are very convenient for various purposes. They might not work as fast as physical devices, but they are portable, cheap, and very convenient. Should humanity switch entirely to cloud services? What issues does automation raise, and how can they be solved? Many manufacturing companies rely on robots heavily in their production. However, robots in the workplace mean fewer jobs for humans.

When most blue-collar positions disappear, what will humanity do? Is remote work the future of office jobs employment? Explore the evolution of wireless communication standards and their implications. Describe the Internet of things and its effects on security. Procedures to enhance IT security. New methodologies and challenges to IT management in health. Common services center vs. community multimedia center: selecting the correct variety of IT service. The impact of digitization of medical records on the IT domain. The history of the Chinese Empire over the millennia.

The Chinese Empire is rarely discussed in history classes as much as its Western counterparts. However, it existed for over two millennia, only falling in Many curious events happened in that time that merit discussion. The Ottoman Empire and the Barbary slave trade. It was infamous for its pirates, who raided European vessels for loot and slaves. Only ending in the 19th century, this phenomenon can make for an interesting case study. The rise and fall of Ancient Greek city-states. Ancient Greece is often viewed as mostly monolithic and united against threats.

In fact, it was comprised of numerous city-states that fought as much as they cooperated. The effects of the printing press on the world. The printing press was invented in AD by Johannes Gutenberg. Before it, each copy of a book had to be written by hand. What effects did mass production of books have on Europe and the world? The fracturing of Christianity : causes and effects. Since its inception, Christianity has gone through multiple schisms. Some of them were remarkably violent. As a result, there are now three main Christian churches and a multitude of lesser ones. Explore what caused believers to split apart into Orthodox Christians, Catholics, and Protestants.

Apartheid in South Africa and its heritage. Premises, progression, and consequences of the cold war. The most remarkable revolutions in history. What is the correlation between personality and taste in literature? Does it mean that they have similar personalities, though? Conformity in college and high school: a scientific approach. Do men and women have different short-term memory mechanisms? Optical illusions from the perspective of people with creativity skills. The gut feeling: how do you feel when others stare at you? Some studies showed that you are more likely to wake up in the night because someone is staring at you. Tricking the taste buds: how does smell affect the taste? How much can the smell of an onion confuse your sense of taste while you are eating an apple?

What is the Stroop Effect, and how does age influence it? Check whether the age of the participants influences their ability to name the colors. Does having a symmetrical face make us seem more attractive? It is very rare that someone has perfectly identical left and right sides of the face. But how noticeable is it? Analyze the capacity of the short-term memory of your peers. The easiest way is to measure it by memorizing words and comparing the numbers later. Do people eat more popcorn when watching movies of a specific genre? Chewing something is almost a must-do in the cinema. But what type of movies triggers this behavior more than others? What signs of social media addiction are noticeable in public?

Spend some time in the local coffee shop, watching people on their phones, and note any signs of addiction they show. The psychological effects of having breakfast: learning performance. Music vs. body: how does your body respond? Measure different biomarkers while listening to different types of music. What color should your room be to improve your learning outcome? Blue is more calming than red, which is often used in sports halls. But what about boosting your learning abilities? Favorite color as a result of childhood attraction.

Try to trace the childhood memories of your friends. Maybe their favorite color is pink because they had pink walls in their room. Biomarkers and colors: what is the correlation? Check how seeing different colors can stimulate specific responses from the body, for example, in heart rate. Colors and mood: can the color of your bedsheets make your day? The first thing you see in the morning is quite important. How would a specific color affect your mood? What is the correlation between stress levels and procrastination? There is a relation for sure, but does procrastination cause stress or the other way around? How much can we trust the long-term memory? Ask people to tell you about some random event from their past. Then, ask them to do the same later.

Do the stories match? Negative influences of sleep deprivation on social behavior. The origin of phobias and fears : engaging the monster within. Dreams : are they messages from within? The function of short- and long-term memory. Is autism a disease or a natural variation of the norm? The impact and outcomes of social networks and mental health. How memory works: recalling the essential. The consequences of depression and relationship problems. Differences and similarities in the behavioral patterns of diverse cultures. Is there a genetic link to optimism that can shape behaviors and attitudes? How bilingualism works: the secret of processing mechanisms. An examination of the causes and results of drug and alcohol abuse. How practicing a healthy lifestyle cures disease and promotes wellness.

Conflict solution in parent-child relationships. Is attention deficit disorder a neuropsychological problem? Examining the process of making decisions and taking risks. How to fight childhood disorders. Shattering long-standing myths about ADHD. Computers in classrooms : useful tool or obstacle to equality? Computers have proved to be capable of improving many aspects of our lives. For instance, they allow children to interact with content instead of just consuming it. However, computers further the disparities between those who can and cannot afford one.

Explore these factors in your research paper. The US invests a substantial portion of its budget into education. You can study proposals on how we may change its design for the better. Choose the most promising ones, or suggest one of your own. Individualized vs. group learning : which is better suited for current reality? Unfortunately, there are far more children than teachers. Answer these questions: is group learning the only available option despite its drawbacks? Can we reduce its shortcomings by blending the models? Standardized tests are convenient from a bureaucratic standpoint.

But the practice is often criticized for prioritizing memorization over understanding. Should standardized tests be abandoned? How should the education system approach children with special needs? Special needs children have experienced a broad range of treatment throughout history. What are the current ideas on how to teach them? What are their special needs in an educational context, and how can schools satisfy them? Should every school student aim for higher education? Is homeschooling a viable alternative to public schools? Authoritative sources: what qualities make information available on the Internet valid?

The interpretation of IQ test results. Positives and negatives of contemporary methods of teaching and state-of-the-art innovations. Harlem Renaissance: how a single neighborhood created modern African American culture. In the s, numerous African Americans moved to the Harlem neighborhood of New York. Influenced by the ideas of thinkers such as W. Du Bois , they built the foundations of Black culture and art. How did this happen? Is third-wave feminism still a movement for equality? First-wave feminism gave women equal rights with men. Then the second wave started the fight with discrimination. However, third-wave feminism claims that the second wave failed, especially with regards to matters such as race and ethnicity. Are its claims valid, and what does it work to achieve?

Is the Western way of thinking the only correct one? Non-Western civilizations lay claim to different schools of thought that emphasize different viewpoints. Should Westerners adopt aspects of non-Western philosophical thought? Are the factors that informed the Constitution still relevant? The Constitution was created in a different time than now. Some of its provisions, notably the Second Amendment , have been challenged repeatedly in recent years. Explore if the ideas of the Founding Fathers still apply today. Should the postmodern school of art be considered art? Postmodern art is challenging to define in plain terms. Many people are confused when a seemingly random series of brush strokes sells for millions of dollars. Think of how such artworks fit into the history of art movements.

The impact of advertisements and commercials on how people comprehend the world. How the most remarkable cultural achievements of the 20 th century influenced contemporary art. Eating habits in dissimilar cultures. The impact of AIDS on mankind. Unearthing a common language: divorce prevention and family therapy. A case against cruelty to living beings. Is the Electoral College a better system than the popular vote? The United States uses the unique Electoral College system for its presidential elections. Over the centuries, calls have been made to change it to the popular vote approach.

So far, these attempts have been fruitless. In this debate, whose position has more merit? Should the continued expansion of the government be reversed? Starting small, governments around the world took on more and more functions. As a result, they now guarantee the operation of many services. They also collect massive taxes and demonstrate bureaucratic inefficiencies. Is there a valid argument for privatizing most public services? Usually, they take the form of military bases and peacekeeping forces. However, its efforts often fail, with Iraq as a recent example.

Should the nation continue spending its resources abroad? Does the public or private healthcare produce better results for the cost? There have been calls to both make it more private and more public. Which of the two approaches ensures a more affordable, efficient system? Is teenage gender transition ethical? Recently, medical professionals in the US have started transitioning teenagers with gender dysphoria. Yet, some of them de-transition later. Should the practice continue regardless? Should marijuana be legalized? Abusive relationships : where to draw the line on what relationships should Be allowed to exist. Are there realistic limitations on abortion? The many guises of violence in society.

The impact of women on world history. Dealing with overpopulation : can it be accomplished ethically? Torture : is it ever acceptable? The ethics of using animals in research. The potential of space resources and the technologies for extracting them. Space contains a vast quantity of resources, many of which are rare or expensive on Earth. Plans to use them have been arising for a long time. Can we implement any of them in the near future, and do they justify the costs? Recent promising developments in cancer treatment and their validity. Cancer is a significant concern for humanity largely because it cannot be treated without harming the body.

However, ideas such as targeted medications and imitations of whale biology have promised an end to this problem. Research them and assess their validity. Large-scale recycling methods and their effectiveness in reducing waste. Most of the resources humanity uses are still on the planet in the form of waste. Some, such as fossil fuels, cannot be recovered, while metals and many others can. Is it possible to address resource scarcity through large-scale recycling? Is it economically viable? Advantages and disadvantages of proposed thorium nuclear reactor designs. Thorium has been touted as the solution to the problems of uranium-based atomic reactors. Is it indeed superior, or should its issues prevent its use?

Potential benefits and issues of genetic modification. Genetic modification is broadly used but also criticized by many. It has its benefits, but critics argue that overreliance may lead to unexplored side effects. Are there reasons to believe these claims? What cloning has in store for humanity : altering the personality. How nanotechnology will impact modern science. Is nuclear energy too hazardous to use? Key issues and potential solutions for toxic waste disposal. Are the effects of global warming reversible? Endangered species : causes and concerns. Race and ethnicity-based differences in normal health indicators. People of different races and ethnicities tend to have varying normal health indicators. For example, African Americans tend to have a higher blood pressure than average.

What causes such differences? Why do medical workers need to understand them? The effects of the Affordable Care Act on American healthcare. However, the costs of insurance have grown since through premiums. Did Obamacare cause this increase, or did it happen independently? Strategies for prevention of obesity and associated heart disease risks. Heart disease is a leading cause of death in the United States. Obesity, which is also prevalent in the nation, is associated with the condition. How can the healthcare system reduce the rates of obesity and associated heart disease? For- or non-profit hospitals: which offer superior treatment? Both for- and non-profit hospitals are private entities. The former operate as businesses, while the latter only seek to cover their costs. Mental health in the United States: issues and proposed solutions.

Mental healthcare is a complicated topic. Many conditions are difficult to diagnose, and some are associated with stigma. Conflicts of interest often arise among psychiatrists, incentivizing them to diagnose fake conditions. How can mental health be improved in the US? Should medicine be more focused on the prevention of illnesses or their treatment? Barriers to the adoption of electronic health systems and how to overcome them. Sedentary behavior and sports: what are the health outcomes? Health care and insurance : concerns and problems. The most likely outcomes of recent health care reform. The impact of diet on health. Best contemporary practice in green supply chain management for businesses. Green supply chain management aims to overturn the stereotype of polluting factories.

Companies that adopt it seek to generate as little waste as possible and require their suppliers to do the same. What policies do researchers currently recommend for this purpose? Corporate social responsibility: theoretical framework and practical implementations. Corporate social responsibility is an approach where a company seeks to give back to the community where it works. But how does it translate into practice? The effects of different office arrangements on the productivity of employees. Offices have evolved substantially over the 20th century. Cubicles replaced isolated rooms, and today open offices are popular. Is there a meaningful difference between these different arrangements? Are the changes improvements or lateral movements? Remote work and its effects on the operations of businesses.

Remote work is more popular than ever. It seems convenient for workers, but some companies worry that they will stop being productive without oversight. Are their concerns reasonable? A cross-cultural comparison of leadership styles. In the West, a number of leadership style theories have crystallized that are considered best. However, other regions use distinct approaches that work for them. Do Western styles work best everywhere, or are they limited to the appropriate mindset? Review the latest developments in performance management theory and practice.

What is the future of e-commerce business environments? Describe the effects of kaizen and total quality management on performance. Deliberating in the secrets of effective leadership. How time management influences the prosperity of a company. The function of diversity in the workplace of the 21 st century. The future of the franchise. The depiction of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby. Jay Gatsby first appears as an example of the American Dream. Starting poor, he becomes wealthy and popular in the city. However, he does not achieve his desires and stays unhappy. You can research how the novel criticizes the concept while also reinforcing its idea. The evolution of Japanese literature in the Meiji Era.

The Meiji Era began after the end of Japanese isolationism. Due to encountering new cultures, its art evolved rapidly. Writers such as Akutagawa Ryunosuke and Dazai Osamu created unique works. From what context did they emerge? The traits of 20th century dystopian works. The worlds of Aldous Huxley, Ray Bradbury, George Orwell , and others are bleak. However, they are all substantially different. Can you distinguish unifying themes in the stories that these writers tell? How does literature reflect contemporary social issues? Writers often try to draw attention to problems of their time. Dickens wrote about the exploitation of the poor, and Langston Hughes discussed racial discrimination.

Can this trend be traced across most literature? Classic vs. modern poetry. Classical poetry follows a variety of rules, such as rhymes and stanza organization. Contemporary poets often reject these constraints and create works that are closer to prose in form. What caused this change? How were gender issues depicted in 19th and 20th-century feminist literature? The future of copyright. What is the origin and purpose of powers separation in government? Most modern governments are separated into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. Thus they limit each other to avoid government overreach. How was this system founded, and how does it work? The structure of the legislation approval process in the US.

Every bill has to be approved by the Congress , the Senate, and the President. What factors can hinder the process? A comparison between the two-party system and multi-party nations. The US is often critiqued for its two-party system by nations that have numerous parties. With that said, a common counterargument is that American parties made of people with diverse views. How do the political climates of the US and multi-party democracies differ in practice? The purpose and effectiveness of term limits for government positions. Some government positions, such as that of the President, are limited to a specific number of years. At the same time, jobs in the Congress and Senate are not.

Pros and cons of globalism as a political philosophy. The concept of globalism requires worldwide bodies that supersede governments. It looks past nations and ignores their interest in favor of global benefits. Is this approach valid, or are there problems with it? How does the European Union membership affect its countries? Causes of world hunger. The Justice system and juvenile criminals. Afghanistan—success or stalemate? The new world war: fighting terrorism. Same-sex marriage: are laws keeping up with changing attitudes? BREXIT: good or bad? Parallel universes, their origins, and potential organizations.

Numerous authors have imagined parallel universes. Even some quantum physics theories assert their existence. Are parallel universes slightly different versions of our world, or are they entirely distinct? The theories and paradoxes of various time travel mechanisms. Time travel is a popular science fiction trope. How do science fiction authors try to overcome these problems? The attempts to create the theory of everything. Physicists are trying to develop an approach that would explain everything in the universe. What are the possibilities and problems of interstellar travel? Without a method to travel much faster than light, expansion beyond the Solar System is impossible.

If it becomes feasible, what possibilities can it offer? The history of the moon landing conspiracy theory. It tries to find various flaws in this evidence and use them to prove its illegitimacy. How did it emerge, and does it still exist? If an afterlife exists, what form does it take? Problems of the marriage and family: a divorce research paper. This article can study the relationship in different families and problems that can arise. Observance of public behavior standards as the feature of the civilized society. You can describe modern social ideals. Comparison of sociological laws in different historical epochs.

In your paper, study the attitudes towards various social phenomena. The influence of personality on public development and progress. You can describe the power of the personality and what one person can do to contribute to social development. Opportunities for searching optimal criteria for the personality socialization. Such a paper aims at revealing the ways of how people can uncover their potential. Describe this well-known ecological problem in your paper. Cultural formation of the personality in the context of modern public reality. Attempts to socialize adolescents and people with deviant behavior.

A research paper on this relevant topic should describe how people who are prone to criminal behavior can correct their way of life. Ways of improving the microclimate in the work collective and creating conditions for comfortable work. The theme aims at finding optimal techniques to improve relationships among employees. Equality problems in society. A paper on this topic should uncover modern problems connected with inequality and various forms of racism. Review the health and education outcomes of children raised in single-parent families. What are the effects of mass immigration on communities and nations? Research the causes of bullying and potential strategies for its prevention.

Explore the stigma and social acceptance issues associated with transgender status. How do views on freedom of speech vary among people of different social categories? Make a case study on the prevalence of workplace gender discrimination in your community. The way to conduct optimal trade relationships. Review appropriate techniques and offer specific methods to improve the situation in a particular company. The advantages of electronic management systems. This theme will be connected with describing the merits of modern ways of managing specific spheres of production. Useful innovations in modern life.

Research paper subjects can be different: medicine, sociology, business, etc. The best management techniques: methods of control. A paper on this topic should describe the behavioral features of successful managers. How to improve the quality of life in developing countries? Ways to measure and manage inflation. Demand and supply analysis - A complete guide History trends in Income disparity. An easy guideline for property rights. Standards versus taxes as policy instruments. Explain the difference between private and public finance. Understanding the dynamics of economics and culture influence. Immigration and its impacts on the economy Research Paper Topics on Current Affairs How has feminism changed over the years?

Are we moving towards World War 3? Has China decided to tackle its pollution problem? India: A poor nation or a superpower? Is the U. economy becoming stronger or weaker? How important is it to reduce the Federal budget deficit? How can police departments minimize the danger to officers from shooters? How can Chicago reduce the amount of violence and murders in the city? Should it be easier for people to become United States citizens? Research Paper Topics on Education Should American students take a gap year between school and college? Discuss the concept of homeschool along with its benefits. Education and funding - A complete overview.

Pros and cons of standardized tests - Discuss briefly. Do college students make more money? Should education be cheaper? How will modern technologies change the way of teaching in the future? The creation of particular learning methods for blind children. Benefits and risks of social networking in school. The role of technology in lesson planning. Research Paper Topics on English Literature Similarities and differences between Shakespeare and Charles Dickens. Do you believe that Dickens failed after turning to serious and romantic novels? Examine controversies associated with Shakespeare. Literature as an instrument of propaganda. Religion and literature in a secular age. Discuss the works of Hemingway.

Classify artificial languages in literature. What is the role of mythology in English literature? College Research Paper Topics IELTS vs. TOEFL - Discuss the similarities and differences. College admission policies and criteria in the United States. How to plan for paying college tuition? Elaborate on ACT vs. Benefits of Distance learning. Impacts of China's one-child policy. Do students learn better in same-sex classrooms? Effect of the No Child Left Behind Act. Analyze the history of the relationship between the United States and North Korea. Should people be able to donate organs in exchange for money?

High School Research Paper Topics Discuss methods to prevent bullying at high schools. Study the ways to plan for high school tuition. How to handle diseases like AIDS? Future of science: Expectations vs Reality. Discuss political issues in the Middle East. Discuss the personality of Bill Clinton as a politician. Critically analyze the revolution of terrorism in the modern world. Developing relationships on the internet must be avoided. How natural disasters have affected developing states? Research Paper Topics on Health Effects of Fast-food culture on regional cuisines.

Should there be a minimum weight limit for models? Unique school lunch ideas for kids. Should steroids be legalized? Should indoor smoking be banned by the government? The politics of climate change in Canada. Deafness and other communication disorders in children. Eye disease, vision health, and blindness - Major symptoms and causes. A detailed guide to Global health security - Threats and opportunities. Effects on household air pollution on human health. Research Paper Topics on Abortion Critical analysis of the Unborn Victims of Violence Act. How to protect abortion clinics and the rights to protest? Facts of the Partial-birth abortion.

Can abortion be viewed as murder? Is it right for abortion clinics to profit from terminating pregnancies? Adverse psychological effects on families that decided to do an abortion. Abortion as an ethical problem. Correlation between religion and abortion. The number of abortions may affect the birth rate - Discuss? The prohibition of abortion may have dreadful consequences. Psychology Research Paper Topics Causes of depression among youth. Define Memory and its types. Why do we dream? Criminal psychology vs. Forensic psychology.

Child abuse - Ways to prevent it. The relation between obesity and watching TV. Discuss the psychological reasons for mental stress. Elaborate on the link between mental health and child obesity. Are later mental health issues related to childhood trauma? How is cross-cultural adoption raising sensitive issues? Psychological issues faced adopted children. Standard procedures of same-sex couples looking to adopt. Adult adoption - Discuss complete processes and laws. Positive and negative aspects of DNA profiling. Discuss the problems after adopting a child.

Open adoption is the biggest lie. Should adopted children be allowed to contact their real parents? Research Paper Topics on Information Technology Instant messaging affects literacy. Discuss the reasons? Violent video games are the reason for juvenile delinquency. Best Spotify and related apps you should try. Discuss the long-term effects of living in a technological world. How has social media helped to solve world problems? Information technologies and the internet has made work from home the norm. Impacts of digital learning on schools and education. How technology is impacting globalization and the global economy?

How can people use information technology to change the world? The Internet does need control and censorship. Research Paper Topics on Media and Communication Say NO to online censorship. Ways to detect bias in the news media? Impacts of advertising on children. Reality TV - How it works? Freedom of speech - Why is it an important right? Explore the examples of political correctness. Significance of media in war against crimes. Describe the conflict between Media and religion. Discuss the history of the film industry. Research Paper Topics on Computer Science Open Source software and its importance. Everything you need to know about Blockchain.

Is Mac safer than windows? Is Artificial Intelligence the right thing to do? Neuron networks and machine learning. What is the importance of big data analysis? All about computer assistance in support services. Concept of database architecture and management. Digital security vs private information. Sociological Research Paper Topics Overview of Gun laws in the United States. Hate crime - A brief review. How to prevent identity theft? Discuss the causes and types of Poverty. Trends and patterns in interracial marriage. Impacts of social media on youth.

A critical analysis of youth cultures. How do religions influence morality? Elaborate on the concept of freedom of religion. Briefly discuss the world's religions with no god. The rise of modernism in Religion. Christianity and the global economic order. Ways to handle religion in the workplace. Discuss the relationship between world religions and science. Research Paper Topics on Bullying Top punishments for bullying. Cyberbullying and how to stop it. Types and consequences of Individual bullying. Should laws be enforced to stop bullying? Can bullying be a cause for murder? What should school authorities do to fight to bully? How to identify and manage workplace bullying? What does it feel like to be bullied? Do bullies specifically choose their targets in school?

Do people abandon unwanted behavior when they graduate school? Research Paper Topics on Culture Explore the evolution of rap music. Is Ethnic conflict avoidable? Does religion influence culture and to what extent? How do different cultures deal with deaths? Culture of my community - A detailed overview Gender roles in different cultures - A cross-cultural perspective. Discuss the History of cultural revolutions. Struggles of Interracial Relationships The power of Mentoring minorities in the workplace. Argumentative Research Paper Topics Who is to blame for homelessness?

What should the ideal age for alcohol consumption be? Curfews for young adults - Discuss the reasons and consequences Can a family survive on the US minimum wage? The death sentence should be activated in every country of the world. Smoking in public places has to be banned. Should court proceedings be documented for television? Why should we lower the voting age? Pros and cons of globalization Persuasive Research Paper Topics Kids should be allowed to have their own pets. Elaborate on the reasons. Reasons why junk meals must be banned from schools. Analyze the productive ways to spend money. Parents should be more engaged in the educational process.

Vaccines have more negative effects than positive ones. Patients with chronic diseases should be sent to mental hospitals. Why is it important to stop the production and selling of weapons? What are the major reasons to remain honest in life situations? Hobbies do help people with their careers. Why is an effective time management strategy important for jobs? History Research Paper Topics Cause of the decline of the Mughal dynasty. How did the Roman Empire fall? Effects Julius Caesar had in Rome. How did Genghis Khan conquer Persia? Discuss the use of weapons in Ancient Civilizations. Bridal Ceremonies in Ancient Rome - A brief overview. Social Relationships in Medieval Europe - A case study. Understanding the impacts of Apartheid.

Describe the main causes of the Thirty Years War. History of gender bias in England. Research Paper Topics on Arts Differences in the Italian Renaissance and Northern Renaissance. Impacts famous artists had on the world. Explain the art of Ancient Egypt. Art therapy is used to heal people. Is photography an art? Discuss the history of the Bauhaus Movement. Discuss the concept of censorship in art. Digital art and its rise.

On This Page On This Page. There are a number of tasks you will have to face when you enroll in a college. Most students feel stressed and tired, particularly when it comes to writing a research paper. Some say the hardest part of drafting a text is to get started. However, selecting good research topics even precedes the starting point. This practice takes a lot of time and creativity. Therefore, exploring this complete guide will give you plenty of topic ideas in no time. Most of the time, the instructors assign a list of topics to the students. While sometimes, they give you the freedom to come up with the topic of your choice. This is where our list of best research paper topics will come in handy. The essay experts at MyPerfectWords.

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Narrow down to a specific field of study and choose the one that interests you the most. It is the key to producing an interesting and impressive writing piece. You can further take help from your professor to identify a unique idea to write a research paper. Remember, it would be better to avoid controversial topics for research papers if you are not confident about justifying them. The next step is to find relevant information about your chosen topic. For this, read different points of view available on the internet. Also, consult scholarly sources like books and peer-reviewed articles to keep the facts straight and referable.

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Nova has also worked as a technical and scientific writer. She is majorly involved in developing and reviewing online content plans that engage and resonate with audiences. Nova has a passion for writing that engages and informs her readers. We use cookies to improve your experience and give you personalized content. Do you agree to our cookie policy? To monitor the performance of our site and to enhance your browsing experience. For example, these tools enable you to communicate with us via live chat. To understand user behavior in order to provide you with a more relevant browsing experience or personalize the content on our site.

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You can disable these cookies in your browser settings but if you do the site may not work as intended. Are you sure you want to cancel? Written by. Published on: Dec 5, Last updated on: Jan 23, How to Find a Good Research Paper Topic? Conduct Background Research The first step is to conduct detailed background research by reviewing the existing literature. Brainstorm Topic Ideas Brainstorm research topic ideas and make a list of the general subjects. Find Relevant Information The next step is to find relevant information about your chosen topic. Use Keywords Try to come up with a keyword and reach the best-suited topic according to your subject and preference. Keep Your Audience in Mind Always keep your target audience in mind.

What is a Good Topic for a Research Paper? A good research topic is the one that has the following characteristics; Specific and Solid - the aims of research and expected results should be clear. Relevant - It should be relevant for the readers. What are the 6 Types of Research Questions? Exploratory Questions - These questions are designed to explore the question in detail. Predictive Questions - These questions are used to predict the results of the research. These questions interpret how a group shares experiences. Descriptive Questions - It is a basic kind of question and it describes the main research topic in detail. Comparative Questions - Comparative questions compare one thing or occurrence with another.

Relationship-based Questions - These questions are about understanding the relation between different variables. Best Research Paper Topics Here are some impressive and easy research paper topics to write an extraordinary paper. Research Paper Topics on Marketing and Business Explain workforce rules and regulations in Texas. How can we stop corporate abuse? Small business innovations to grow your business setup. Ways to reduce taxes in small businesses. Effective tips for women in business. How has marketing etiquette changed in the last few years? Why are stock markets becoming more popular? What are the positive effects of relationship marketing? How globalization impacts brand marketing? Can women prove to be better marketing experts than men?

Research Paper Topics on Economics Discuss Balanced vs.

200 Research Essay Topics,How to Find a Good Research Paper Topic?

WebOct 7,  · study of abnormal psychology. Social anxiety disorder. Cognitive disorders in endogenous psychoses. investigation self-harm disorder. Lying and Truthfulness. WebDec 15,  · Urban Sociology Research Topics. Urbanization in the United States. Sociology and globalization. Urban poverty and the city. Urban inequalities and WebJan 29,  · Here are a few topic suggestions: The depiction of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby. Jay Gatsby first appears as an example of the American Dream. WebA research paper is a piece of academic writing that provides analysis, interpretation, and argument based on in-depth independent research. Research papers are similar to WebA professionally written action research topic is a research question, which should be answered in the research paper. The process of finding an outstanding action Web Research Essay Topics With the basics of research essay writing out of the way, students can now choose any of the following research essay topics from the list ... read more

Future of science: Expectations vs Reality. The history of European Art in the 20th century. Spend some time in the local coffee shop, watching people on their phones, and note any signs of addiction they show. Elaborate on the link between mental health and child obesity. How to write a comedy.

Should families report to the police that their relatives are guilty of something? Some people see it as the manifestation of essay research topics author, and others as a fictitious character, essay research topics. MLA Format APA Format ASA Format IEEE Format Chicago Style Format. The art of erasing bad memories and only remembering good ones. How can we develop healthy social connections in the workplace?

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