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My dad my hero essay

My dad my hero essay

My Father is My Hero Essay in English,My Father is My Hero Essay in English

WebMar 15,  · My dad is all the things listed above, and he is caring, absurd, and patient. To begin with, my dad is caring. I’m always first on his extensive list. In any rare WebEssay on My Dad My Hero. My Dad is my real hero because he is the most special person in my life. He is a very good athlete & an artist. He is a Civil Engineer by profession. At WebOct 15,  · Personality My dad taught me help myself first try before I as for help. I am patient and determined, since I have tried hard to reach my goal and never complain. I WebNov 24,  · Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. My dad is my hero. A father is a person that everybody in the world should love. I love my father because he has taken WebApr 13,  · My father is my hero, best friend and also a teacher to me. He stands by me in every phase of life and supports me in all my decisions. He has taught me a lot. Every ... read more

He and his team choose an area every week and do their best to clear the dried leaves and other waste products from there. They hire a sweeper to help them and do whatever they can on their own. After the cleaning drive, they plant trees and plants at suitable places in that area. Many a times he takes us along for help. He was also invited to my school to sensitize the students to make the environment clean and green. He gave lecture on the subject to help the students understand the importance of this issue. It was a proud moment for me. My father believes in working as a team. He does not expect my mother to do all the household tasks and handle the kids all on her own.

He helps and supports her at every step. They both work as a team to make our house a better place to live. My father also works with us whenever we require working on some assignment we are not much familiar with. Rather than just giving us instructions and judging our skills from a distance he gets involved in the same to help us learn and understand the task better. Many of my friends share that their parents give them instructions to do certain tasks and expect them to complete them appropriately. They do not help in the process and even scold them if the task is not done properly. They also have set definition of the tasks that need to be done only by the females in the house and those that the male members should take responsibility for.

I am lucky my father does not possess such a mindset. We have learned the art of working as a team from him and this has helped us at various stages in life. I have learned a lot from these. My father is not just my hero but an inspiration for everyone around. Besides being a great father, a good husband and an obedient son, he is a very noble human being. He treats everyone alike and does not distinguish between anyone based on their caste, religion or social status. Everyone in our family, extended family and neighbourhood talks highly about him because of his extremely friendly and helpful nature.

People come to him to seek advice as well as for help as they know he has the solution for every problem. Just like the heroes in the Bollywood movies my father is always ready to help everyone around. He was the only earning member in the family. His parents and wife were not only financially dependent on him but also did not know how to deal with the hospital formalities and other stuff. My father helped them during their hour of need. He served as an inspiration for others. Many of his colleagues came forward to contribute their bit for the treatment. Soon, the funds were met and the treatment was completed. I remember the day when that colleague and his family visited our family after his recovery and thanked my father with all their heart. This incident has left a mark on my heart.

I feel proud of my father whenever I think of it. Another quality of my father that I truly admire is that he is very hard working. He is appreciated for his hard work and dedication at work. He won several awards during his school and college days and this inspires me to work hard and earn appreciation too. Even in his office he has won the employee of the year award, most hardworking team member award and many other accreditation. I have seen him working for hours whenever his work demands. At times, he even works on holidays. However, this does not mean that he ignores his family and gives priority to his work. He knows how to maintain work life balance and we love this thing about him. Many of my friends share that their fathers are extremely engrossed in their office tasks.

They come home late from work and also have to go out with colleagues on the weekends. But I am lucky that my father values his personal relationships as much as his work. He does not take his family for granted. He makes sure he comes home on time and spends time with us. He also takes us out regularly. Besides, he helps my mother with small household tasks to share her load. But with his way of life is more than an inspiration to some, he is like a hero to his children. Every child loves his father, but not everyone can call his father a hero. Lucky were those whose father inspired him and for this reason, they saw him as a hero. My father believes in leading a simple life.

Although they have a good income and can afford luxury cars and big bungalows, they still live in a small number of flats. Their needs are few and we also learn their value. He believes that one should spend a part of his salary doing social work. My father is financially weak but fulfils my genuine requirements and guarantees that I should not be a survivor of feelings of inadequacy. My Father is a mature and agreeable individual who assists me make important decisions. Like most doting fathers, he plays a very important role in my life helping me build my career as well as resolve my everyday issues too.

When I am looking for help and guidance against the odds, I, first of all, approached my father who comes forward leaving all his personal priorities and doing the needful. My father is a person who works tirelessly and makes countless penances to figure out my issues. My father is my hero as he goes with me in all the activities ensuring my correct moves. He really looks at my problem and moulds me by giving lectures in the series in order to form a lovely sense in my mind. His concern is for my better career. My father is mature enough, knowledgeable, and very much aware of my cutting-edge needs, evaluates my inclination as well as decision, and does all-out efforts to develop me for accomplishing my objective. The tradition of specific jobs running in the family is literally dying.

A doctor is not wanting his son to be a doctor, a professor is avoiding his profession for his children, an army officer is not forcing his son to join the defence forces, and so on.

My father is not only a hero but also an inspiring character for me. He is the person that I follow regularly. I always wanted to become like him. He loves me and my entire family. He is a really supportive person. In his personal life, he is very successful and lots of people follow him as an icon or idol. I feel really lucky and amazing to be with me. He is a great teacher too. He teaches me lots of important life lessons every day. I love my dad very much, he is my hero. My dad is the most special dad in the world. He is my hero. As like me, my dad is also a nature lover.

Maybe I have gotten this from him. Because of his loving nature, our entire terrace has been turned as a garden. But my hero has done that on the terrace. Our terrace looks really naturally beautiful. I love spending time there. Lots of my friends have visited this garden. There are more than 30 plants and most of them are flowers. My father is a businessman. After working hard for years, he has been able to build his own business. He is a person, who believes in people and loves team working. Team working is not easy; you have to become a great leader to control the team. He is a motivator and inspiring character. I always become inspired to see his work. He is my icon and idol. I want to become like my father. He is very supportive and caring about me.

I love him very much and wish him to live longer. Introduction: My father is the hero in my life. Today I will share some interesting thing about this hero. He has the most significant contribution to my life. My Dad: My father name is Nikhil Roy. When I was a kid, he used to spend all of his time with me. He was busy fulfilling all of my wishes. After so many years, he is still there to fulfill my desires. Can anyone become that much supportive in life? None can, but only the fathers are able to do that for their family and for their kids. We have to love our fathers. They are the backbone of our family. Why My Dad is a Hero: There are a few reasons that are why I consider my father as a hero.

He is the person who really cares about me and our entire family. We faced lots of problems before, but he is the one who was in front of us as a shield. He solved every problem and made our life better. He is the one who makes money to maintain the entire family. I need money, my sister needs, my mother need, and overall, we need so much money to maintain the family. He is earning money with so much working hard. These are the most significant reasons that are why I always consider my dad as my hero. We should treat them as a hero too. They are really important and amazing in our life.

Introduction: In our life, we consider some people as a hero. A father is the most common hero in our life. In my life, I used to consider Superman, Spiderman, X-man, etc as my superhero. But when I realized the contribution of my father in my life, I started thinking of him as my hero. Today I will share my feelings and thinking about this hero. My Dad My Hero: My dad name is Sahil Kapoor and he is a computer engineer. He has built his own business based on developing websites and software. In the city, he already has been an icon for new entrepreneurs.

My dad is always an appealing person to me. Most of the time for his day, he has to spend it on his office. But he really loves to spend time with me and my mother in his free times. Especially at the weekend, we spend lots of time together. He takes us to small picnics. Sometimes we went out for lunch or dinner. He is the backbone of our financial support for the family. He is the one who is making money to keep the family alive and going on. He works really hard for us, to give us a better life. He is always connected with his works. His Special Skills: The most important skill of my fad is, he is a responsible guy. Whatever happens in our family, he takes the responsibility to solve the entire matter. As I said, he is a highly educated and polite person. He is a motivator, gives people better tips to live a better life.

He is helpful and loving. When I face any study difficulties, he is there for me. From my childhood, he is my favorite teacher. His teaching technique is also amazing. I never found any teacher, who can teach you with that much love and caring. Conclusion: As like my dad, every dad is a hero. We should treat our fathers as a hero. They are the ones who fought the entire life for us and still fighting to give us a better life. Today I will share my feelings about my dad as a hero. There is no doubt that he is the most important person for me in the world.

We all have awesome childhood memories and in most of them, I found only my dad. He is the closest person of me and always was there for me. My Dad: My dad name is Nelson Sharma, and he is a businessman. I think he is the most interesting person in this world. Most of the time he remains busy for his world, but when he finds the time, he loves to spend that with me and my mother. We spend a really good time together. From my childhood, there are lots of memories that I can remember about my dad. He has been so much amazing, loving, caring, and supportive.

I was five years old when I arrived at the school for the first time. My father is the person who escorted me there. I went and I was afraid, upset and sad about the whole thing. When I found lots of students like me in the classroom, it was really freaky for me. After the class, when I came back to my father he gave me so many important suggestions. With his help and support, finally, I became able to make a few friends in the school. That was a huge turning point in my life. My father taught me everything that how should I act with people, how should I approach them.

Essay on My Dad My Hero,My Dad My Hero: Essay (200 Words) for Class 3, 4

WebESSAY ON MY FATHER MY HERO 1 ( WORDS) My father is an amazing human being and a great father. I look at him as my hero. He has been a pillar of support for WebNov 24,  · Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. My dad is my hero. A father is a person that everybody in the world should love. I love my father because he has taken WebMar 15,  · My dad is all the things listed above, and he is caring, absurd, and patient. To begin with, my dad is caring. I’m always first on his extensive list. In any rare WebApr 13,  · My father is my hero, best friend and also a teacher to me. He stands by me in every phase of life and supports me in all my decisions. He has taught me a lot. Every WebOct 15,  · Personality My dad taught me help myself first try before I as for help. I am patient and determined, since I have tried hard to reach my goal and never complain. I WebEssay on My Dad My Hero. My Dad is my real hero because he is the most special person in my life. He is a very good athlete & an artist. He is a Civil Engineer by profession. At ... read more

But I am lucky that my father values his personal relationships as much as his work. At times, he even works on holidays. My father is financially weak but fulfils my genuine requirements and guarantees that I should not be a survivor of feelings of inadequacy. College Admissions Essay: A Career In The Workplace. He is the one who is making money to keep the family alive and going on. He makes sure he comes home on time and spends time with us.

My Dad is the most precious gift of God to me. Although they have a good income and can afford luxury cars and big bungalows, they still live in a small number of flats. In the city, he already has been an icon for new entrepreneurs. Because of his loving nature, our entire terrace has been turned as a garden. My father has showed me how important it is to be a leader, my dad my hero essay. Most of the time for his day, he has to spend it on his office. But when I realized the contribution of my father in my life, I started thinking of him as my hero.

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