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Argumentative essay sample

Argumentative essay sample

25+ Persuasive Essay Examples to Help You Get Started,Table of contents

WebFeb 15,  · Below are some good argumentative essay examples written by our professional essay writers. 5 Paragraph Argumentative Essay Examples. The traditional WebBasically, the main difference between argumentative and persuasive essays is all in the emphasis placed on logic and emotion. How Many Paragraphs in a Persuasive Essay? WebJan 29,  · How to Write an Argumentative Essay Step by Step. Vaping refers to the huffing of a vapor generated by an electronic cigarette or other vaping device (Davis, WebOver-dieting is faulty because it can cause a lot of harmful outcomes for insistence: mood swings, disordered eating, orthorexia nervosa, metabolism problems, and life WebFeb 2,  · Au Contraire!! gives many more strong examples to argue his case than the author of Women are not a Warrior Class and, consequently, has a more persuasive ... read more

Being a middle school student, you must be wondering how do we write an argumentative essay? And how can you support your argument? Go through the following examples and hopefully, you will be able to write an effective argumentative essay very easily. Argumentative Essay Example for Middle School PDF. High school students are not very aware of all the skills that are needed to write research papers and essays. Especially, when it comes to argumentative essays, it becomes quite a challenge for high schools to defend their argument. In this scenario, the best option is to look into some good examples. Here we have summed up two best examples of argumentative essays for high school students specifically.

Argumentative Essay Example for High School PDF. The course outline for O levels is quite tough. O levels students need to have a good command of the English language and amazing writing skills. If you are an O-level student, the following examples will guide you on how to write an argumentative essay. Argumentative Essay Example for O Level PDF. A 5-paragraph essay is basically a formatting style for essay writing. It has the following five parts:. In the introductory, the writer introduces the topic and provides a glance at the collected data to support the main argument. The first body paragraph discusses the first and most important point related to the argument.

It starts with a topic sentence and has all the factual data to make the argument convincing. The second body paragraph mentions the second most important element of the argument. A topic sentence is used to start these paragraphs. It gives the idea of the point that will discuss in the following paragraph. The third paragraph discusses all the miscellaneous points. Also, it uses a transitional sentence at the end to show a relation to the conclusion. The conclusion of a five-paragraph essay reiterates all the major elements of an argumentative essay. It also restates the thesis statement using a more convincing choice of words. Look at the example below to see how a well-written five paragraph essay looks like.

Students of 6th grade are at a point where they are learning new things every day. Writing an argumentative essay is an interesting activity for them as they like to convince people of their point of view. Argumentative essays written at such levels are very simple but well convincing. The following example will give you more detail on how a 6th-grade student should write an argumentative essay. There is not much difference between a 6th grade and a 7th-grade student. Both of them are enhancing their writing and academic skills. Here is another example to help you with writing an effective argumentative essay.

For an argumentative essay, there is no specific limit for the word count. It only has to convince the readers and pass on the knowledge of the writer to the intended audience. It can be short or detailed. It would be considered valid as far as it has an argument involved in it. Au Contraire!! and Women are not a Warrior Class, both authors convey their thoughts on women in combat. Both authors give many reasons why or why not women should be allowed to fight in combat. Timothy Brown, the author of Women Unfit for Combat? gives many more strong examples to argue his case than the author of Women are not a Warrior Class and, consequently, has a more persuasive essay.

Can women mentally endure the rigors of combat as well as men? Can women meet the physical rigors of combat at the level required by the U. forces and in particular the U. Marine Corps? Absolutely not!! Is it fair to assume that women are incapable of having the stability to fight in combat? Brown uses the women commandos of Nicaragua who fought for their country to argue his point that if given the opportunity and encouragement, American women could effectively perform well in combat. Our writers can help you with any type of essay. For any subject Get your price How it works.

Since the beginning of time, women have been viewed as the weaker sex. This is not true all the time, especially when dealing with women in combat. Women have proved themselves to be fully capable in doing most jobs a man can do. In terms of the demands of infantry warfare, women have proved themselves capable of fighting under even the most arduous of conditions Brown According to Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Dall men and women are created equall WIC. Brown supports this statement made by Stanton by using personal experiences of women such as Angelica Maria. A legend among her male peers, Angelica Maria then continued as commander of her almost all-male platoon until, wounded in combat for a seventh time, she was forced to seek medical attention Brown Hackett on the other hand says The marine Corps grunts are the Olympic gold medallists when it comes to combat.

If for the sake of diversity and political correctness we want to include a women in combat, then consider the cost of that decision: the silver medal in combat is defeat! Hackett The reality that Hackett can actually believe that a woman in combat would lead to defeat is absurd and degrading to the entire female population. As Brown believes, women should be able to fight for their country, without being demoralized while doing so. He convinces his readers that women in combat are about the ability to make dreams come true is what really matters. Notably, in an effort of tobacco organizations to increase their sales, individuals started smoking more regularly. It became cheaper and easier to use.

In the end, health problems and deaths linked to tobacco use became a global concern. To date, smoking cigarettes is still a hazardous and unacceptable addiction. What most smokers do not realize is that smoking tobacco is actually a firm psychological element that does not allow them to give up their addiction Kirsten, Some smokers find it aesthetic to exhale or inhale smoke, or have different reasons to continue tobacco use. This simply means that tobacco smoking is a behavioral pattern that consists of repetitive responses and situations de Rugy, As already indicated, vapor from these technological cigarettes is mainly harmless to non-smokers and smells and tastes better.

This is part of the reason why vaping is considered a less reproached habit. It is argued that vaping tends to encourage unconstructive habits among previous non-smokers, given that the act of smoking is habit-forming. In a recent New Zealand research, e-cigarettes proved to be as effective as nicotine patches Siegel, et al. All current studies point to the fact that vaping is indeed better than smoking. Interestingly, about The false thinking that vaping is as harmful as smoking, in the real sense, prevents thousands of smokers from shifting to e-cigarettes to assist them quit. There is also enough evidence from the CDC of not having specified or identified a true link between vaping and lung disease Davies, Despite the fact that the cases being reported are similar, it is not clear if they have a similar cause, or if they are distinct illnesses presenting similar symptoms.

Some individuals may argue that vaping is as harmful as cigarette smoking because they are both considered to be behavioral patterns constituting repetitive reactions and circumstances. Others have linked vaping to increased cases of lung illnesses, especially in the United States. However, recent studies that have thoroughly been conducted by different organizations and specialists suggest that vaping is actually less harmful than smoking. Furthermore, it is believed that banning flavored vape products will result in increased black markets and more adult smokers. That is why banning flavors is not a solution to the program.

Instead, governments should consider regulating these products and finding other alternatives to help smokers quit. Bullen, C. Davies, R. De Rugy, V. Gruszczynski, l. The regulation of e-cigarettes: International, European and national challenges. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar Publishing. Hampton, T. Kirsten, B. Maloney, J. Mulcahy, L. Schripp, T. Siegel, M. We post free essay examples for college on a regular basis.

Argumentative Essay Writing. On This Page On This Page. Argumentative essays are one of the most common types of essay writing. Students are assigned to write such essays very frequently. Despite being assigned so frequently, students still find it hard to write a good argumentative essay. There are certain things that one needs to follow to write a good argumentative essay. The first thing is to choose an effective and interesting topic. Use all possible sources to dig out the best topic. Afterward, the student should choose the model that they would follow to write this type of essay. Follow the steps of the chosen model and start writing the essay. The models for writing an argumentative essay are the classical model, the Rogerian model, and the Toulmin model.

To make sure that you write a good argumentative essay, read the different types of examples mentioned in this blog. Argumentative essays are an inevitable part of academic life. To write a good argumentative essay, you need to see a few good examples of this type of essay. To analyze whether the example is good to take help from or not. You need to look for a few things in it. Make sure it follows one specific model and has an introductory paragraph, organized body paragraphs, and a formal conclusion. Learning how to start an argumentative essay example is a tricky thing for beginners. It is quite simple but can be challenging for newbies. To start an argumentative essay example, you need to write a brief and attractive introduction.

It is written to convince the reader and make them understand your point of view. Add body paragraphs after the introduction to support your thesis statement. Also, use body paragraphs to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of your side of the argument. Write a formal conclusion for your essay and summarize all the key elements of your essay. Look at the example mentioned below to understand the concept more clearly. Argumentative Essay Example PDF. Your first order with us is FREE! Argumentative essays are assigned to university students more often than the students of schools and colleges.

It involves arguments over vast and sometimes bold topics as well. For university students, usually, argumentative essay topics are not provided. They are required to search for the topic themselves and write accordingly. The following examples will give an idea of how university students write argumentative essays. Argumentative Essay Example for University PDF. For the college level, it is recommended to use simple language and avoid the use of complex words in essays. Make sure that using simple language and valid evidence, you support your claim well and make it as convincing as possible. If you are a college student and want to write an argumentative essay, read the examples provided below. Focus on the formatting and the vocabulary used. Argumentative Essay Example for College PDF.

Being a middle school student, you must be wondering how do we write an argumentative essay? And how can you support your argument? Go through the following examples and hopefully, you will be able to write an effective argumentative essay very easily. Argumentative Essay Example for Middle School PDF. High school students are not very aware of all the skills that are needed to write research papers and essays. Especially, when it comes to argumentative essays, it becomes quite a challenge for high schools to defend their argument. In this scenario, the best option is to look into some good examples. Here we have summed up two best examples of argumentative essays for high school students specifically.

Argumentative Essay Example for High School PDF. The course outline for O levels is quite tough. O levels students need to have a good command of the English language and amazing writing skills. If you are an O-level student, the following examples will guide you on how to write an argumentative essay. Argumentative Essay Example for O Level PDF. A 5-paragraph essay is basically a formatting style for essay writing. It has the following five parts:. In the introductory, the writer introduces the topic and provides a glance at the collected data to support the main argument. The first body paragraph discusses the first and most important point related to the argument. It starts with a topic sentence and has all the factual data to make the argument convincing. The second body paragraph mentions the second most important element of the argument.

A topic sentence is used to start these paragraphs. It gives the idea of the point that will discuss in the following paragraph. The third paragraph discusses all the miscellaneous points. Also, it uses a transitional sentence at the end to show a relation to the conclusion. The conclusion of a five-paragraph essay reiterates all the major elements of an argumentative essay. It also restates the thesis statement using a more convincing choice of words. Look at the example below to see how a well-written five paragraph essay looks like.

Students of 6th grade are at a point where they are learning new things every day. Writing an argumentative essay is an interesting activity for them as they like to convince people of their point of view. Argumentative essays written at such levels are very simple but well convincing. The following example will give you more detail on how a 6th-grade student should write an argumentative essay. There is not much difference between a 6th grade and a 7th-grade student. Both of them are enhancing their writing and academic skills. Here is another example to help you with writing an effective argumentative essay.

For an argumentative essay, there is no specific limit for the word count. It only has to convince the readers and pass on the knowledge of the writer to the intended audience. It can be short or detailed. It would be considered valid as far as it has an argument involved in it. Following is an example of a short argumentative essay example. Short Argumentative Essay Example PDF. Immigration is a hot topic for a very long time now. People have different opinions regarding this issue. Where there is more than one opinion, an argumentative essay can be written on that topic. The following are examples of argumentative essays on immigration.

Read them and try to understand how an effective argumentative essay is written on such a topic. Argumentative Essay Example on Immigration PDF. Writing essays is usually a tiring and time-consuming assignment to do. Students already have a bunch of assignments for other subjects to complete. In this situation, asking for help from professional writers is the best choice. At CollegeEssay. org , we have an extensive team of highly skilled essay writers. We can help you write the best college essay , including argumentative, descriptive, persuasive essays, etc.

You just need to place an order , and we will take care of your essay from scratch. Get in touch with our customer support service, and we will cater to all your queries and questions in no time. For more than five years now, Cathy has been one of our most hardworking authors on the platform. With a Masters degree in mass communication, she knows the ins and outs of professional writing. Clients often leave her glowing reviews for being an amazing writer who takes her work very seriously. Written by. Published on: Jun 29, Last updated on: Jan 3, Good Argumentative Essay Examples Argumentative essays are an inevitable part of academic life. How to Start an Argumentative Essay Example Learning how to start an argumentative essay example is a tricky thing for beginners.

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WebOver-dieting is faulty because it can cause a lot of harmful outcomes for insistence: mood swings, disordered eating, orthorexia nervosa, metabolism problems, and life WebFeb 2,  · Au Contraire!! gives many more strong examples to argue his case than the author of Women are not a Warrior Class and, consequently, has a more persuasive WebBasically, the main difference between argumentative and persuasive essays is all in the emphasis placed on logic and emotion. How Many Paragraphs in a Persuasive Essay? WebJan 29,  · How to Write an Argumentative Essay Step by Step. Vaping refers to the huffing of a vapor generated by an electronic cigarette or other vaping device (Davis, WebFeb 15,  · Below are some good argumentative essay examples written by our professional essay writers. 5 Paragraph Argumentative Essay Examples. The traditional ... read more

As college sports continue to be hugely popular and the National Collegiate Athletic Association NCAA brings in large amounts of revenue, people have revived the debate on whether college athletes should get paid. When the comes to writing high-quality argumentative essays there are some solid tips you need to know. com , Feb For many teachers who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. Persuasive Essay Example for 11th-grade. Words: Pages: 1 8. Pick your perfect writer Chat with professional writers to choose the paper writer that suits you best.

She is majorly involved in developing and reviewing online content plans that engage and resonate with audiences, argumentative essay sample. The following are some examples of middle school argumentative essay:. Counter Argument Essay Example. Yes No. Persuasive Essay Example for College.

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