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Midwifery essays

Midwifery essays

Midwife Essay,Personal Statement: A Career As A Midwife

The term “midwife” derives from the Latin meaning “with woman” or in France “wise woman”. “Throughout the ages women have depended on a skilled person, usually another woman to be with them during their childbirth” (Cooper & Fraser ). Midwives provide care to women and their babies antenatally, p See more Webdemonstrates significant factors, a midwife and the women may face within Australian public hospitals. As a midwife the key skills are understanding of what supports and WebJan 19,  · Caseload midwifery, which entails the mother to-be knowing all the details about the midwife giving her personalized attention, has been described as the only type WebIn many countries, midwifery is a medical profession (special for its independent and direct specialized education). A professional in midwifery is known as a midwife.” Pregnancy WebAug 10,  · Midwives must work within the competency standards enforced by The ANMC Australian Nursing & Midwifery Council () in order to obtain and practice as ... read more

Hearing the word midwife leaves many people thinking of unprofessional, inexperienced women who help deliver babies naturally, without the help of medication. You only need to listen to the first 3 stories. Though, the 4th is VERY interesting. What a person does in their lifetime could be directly passed to their kids. What human example did Lamarck use? A blacksmith, because they swing hammers all day they get muscles and those muscles pass down to their kids. highly unlikely. These documents recommend that women are cared for throughout pregnancy, birth and beyond by a midwife that she faith in and knows well Department of Health, Moreover, The NHS Mandate 16 — Maternity and Children stated that pregnant women should have a named midwife NHS England, Furthermore, this is echoed by The National Childbirth Trust NCT Nevertheless, Andrews and the National Institute for Health.

Midwifes give the expecting mother a choice. Evidence shows that women who are choosing to seek care from a midwife do it not only for the reasons of wanting to approach childbirth in a natural way, but also because midwives let you take control of the situation- with limitations obviously. Having choice and control over your pregnancy is empowering and will usually give you a wonderful birthing experience. When a mother has a good birthing experience it will allow the mother and child to have a. The role of a midwife is essential for providing, promoting and improving the social and psychological health and wellbeing of childbearing women and their families, from conception to post-partum. Many health promotion needs a midwife must consider when caring for a pregnant women include: promoting healthy eating, promoting smoking cessation.

Everybody wants to do something different for an occupation. Military, sports, medical, there are thousands of jobs in the world to do, so think.. What do you want to do when you're older? Me personally, I want to be a midwife, here is why. What midwives do really draws me into the career, I will help care for women during pregnancy, making sure they and their baby is healthy and doing well. Iĺl also help during labor, if anything bad happens, i would step into help. And of course, I help care for. In the simplest terms, a midwife is someone, traditionally female, who assists women in childbirth. Yet, a midwife is much more than an assistant in the process of labor, but a strong, wise woman, capable of holding the lives of the mother and child.

Throughout history, women have assisted each other through pregnancy and delivery. It was not until the discovery of new germ theories and the development of biomedicine that traditional midwifery has been pushed to the side. However, despite wishes. cure, leaving only nurses left. Besides hearing the stories of how important nursing has been the last couple years here at the Michigan State Safe Haven and outside of it, I conducted my own research on the field, more specifically, the field of midwife nursing. I found through many literacies that nurses are the primary caretakers of humans; providing care for the sick and unable, while also being the supporter during the emotional stress of recovery.

Nursing earns the status of the most important. thing out of me, it feels like it's eating my inside" a woman who was clearly disheveled yell with a demonic overlapping voice. Why is she acting like this" said a man with an equally if not more demonic voice. Though she shouldn't be feel their home births. Jill ended up at the hospital having a c-section and Jessa had bleeding issues after birth and had to be rushed to the hospital by ambulance. Jessa did have her baby boy at home though. Now the Arkansas midwife that helped train Jill Dillard to become a midwife is speaking out and wants to make sure everyone knows she didn't help them.

She was not involved in the births of Jill or Jessa's baby. Duggar Family Blog shared about it all on their blog. We thought the hat was adorable. administering medications. Sometimes a mother will not be fully dilated before the infant is ready to come. A midwife will make a small incision. By believing the biggest miracle in life is birth motivates me to care for the community by contributing to the world as a midwife. The story of my birth has unravelled my desire to explore the miracles of life. It was when my mother told me the story of the dangerous and life threatening experience of giving birth to me, without any help or support of medical facilities. I was then astonished by the pregnancy of my mother, how her body changed and how difficult it was for her to accomplish normal.

Essay Topics Writing. Home Page Research Midwife Essay. Midwife Essay. Sort By: Most Relevant Highest Grade. Decent Essays. Becoming A Midwife Words 2 Pages. Becoming A Midwife. A midwife is a person who assists a woman in childbirth, who, in the. As a midwife, I want to be able to empower women with knowledge and support to give them the pregnancy and birth they desire and to make it a positive experience. Witnessing the change in women from prenatal to labour to antenatal care is what attracts me to midwifery as I can form bonds and memories with people from a variety of different backgrounds and help them through.

This includes taking care of women before and during pregnancy and at childbirth, as well as their fetuses and newborn babies. They also perform procedures such as cesarean sections, diagnose and treat disorders of the female reproductive system, diagnose infections, endometriosis, ovarian and breast cancers. OB-GYNs also encourage patients to maintain healthy lifestyles. They're often provide information about exercise, nutrition and planning pregnancies. In order to become an OB-GYN, a completion of medical school and a 4 year hospital residency program that gives training on the areas that they will encounter on an everyday basis of work is. Enabling Professionalism reflection This is a reflection on continuing professional and personal development in practice.

This reflection is to allow me to improve profeesionally with supportive, evidence based literature and to enable me to evaluate the impact my professional behaviour as a student and future midwife. My learning need is to focus on the importance of professional behaviour when on placement and working with women, their families and members of the multi-disciplinary team MDT. For them to have someone to talk to, to get things off their chest and to help heal themselves. Registered midwives and nurse practitioners will be working in the wellness center area where clients can go in and get answers of their health. The midwives will be assigned to pregnant clients that are soon to be a mother. Introduction As a nurse there is a responsibility to make sure the client has the information necessary to make decisions regarding their health and the health of their family.

The primary goal of maternity nursing is to optimize the health and well-being of the mother and the baby. This will be an individualized teaching plan for the prenatal client. The stage of growth and development are described with support from literature. The following is a case study focusing on the assessment and examination of a female patient presenting with symptoms of abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding during pregnancy to an emergency gynaecology and pregnancy assessment clinic. Names have been changed to maintain anonymity in line with the Nursing and Midwifery Council NMC The Calgary-Cambridge model of assessment Kurtz and Silverman was used to guide the practitioner through the health assessment process.

The guide provides an easy-to-use structure that complements nursing 's traditional holistic assessment approach. Pregnancy and birth sourcebook: Basic consumer health information about pregnancy and fetal development. Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics. Gives basic facts about the reproductive process beginning with preconception and covering through the postpartum period. Knowledge about fertility, health maintenance while pregnant, how to deal with a high risk pregnancy or complications that may arise, and caring for a newborn are included. IPL Essay On Midwifery. Essay On Midwifery Words 5 Pages. In many countries, midwifery is a medical profession special for its independent and direct specialized education. A professional in midwifery is known as a midwife.

While most people talk about pregnancy being 9 months long divided into three trimesters , most health care providers refer to a pregnancy as being 40 weeks long, starting with your last known menstrual period. This is also equal to days, or 10 Lunar Months. If there are any problems, …show more content… She will also measure possible proteinuria from urine with test strips, she will assist the gynecologist during the examination and arrange her next appointment with a gynecologist. The midwife must educate pregnant women about complications that may occur and about pregnancy in general.

PREGNANCY DIAGNOSIS Picture 1. Shew of transvaginal ultrasound A transvaginal ultrasound also called an endovaginal ultrasound is a type of pelvic ultrasound used by doctors to examine female reproductive organs. This includes the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix, and vagina. Picture 2. Shew of abdominal ultrasound Ultrasound is an essential tool for evaluating your baby during pregnancy.

We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Buy now, save instantly, get the job done on time! Type of paper: Essay. Topic: Entrepreneurship , Australia , Nursing , Company , Medicine , Politics , Government , Women. Pages: 3. Words: The Office of the Chief Nursing Officer OCNO has established that caseload midwifery is the most appropriate and effective type of midwifery in the nursing circles of Australia. Caseload midwifery, which entails the mother to-be knowing all the details about the midwife giving her personalized attention, has been described as the only type that gives the patient or the client the chance to have a professional accountable for any complication that may develop in the process of giving birth Dietsch et al, Arguably, infant mortality is among the most notable threats to the human race.

The rate of infant mortality is comparatively lower than it was in the s, in Australia. Even so, many new born children continue to lose their lives during the process of birthing. Among the principal causes of such deaths is the fact that the rural midwifery units are being closed down on the grounds that the government cannot afford to sustain such facilities, when there are leading hospitals that can handle that which such units are handling Willis et al, This paper endeavors to explain how and why the government should affordably sustain the local midwifery units. The Rural Doctors Association of Australia RDAA has established that, from reliable evidence, the small delivery units perform better than the big hospital in as far as midwifery is concerned.

Risk-adjusted data on midwifery indicate that obstetric results of small rural hospitals are comparatively better. Additionally, evidence from the researches carried out by the Rural Doctors Association of Australia RDAA indicates that, contrary to normal misconceptions, delivery in the local units is sufficiently safe National Rural Health Alliance, In line with the liberal feminist principles, putting up the rural delivery centers empowers women in many ways. Among the most common ways, in which the rural centers empower women, is the fact that the local delivery centers offer employment opportunities to all those people that are proficient in nursing and midwifery. Between and , approximately local delivery centers have been closed down by the government on claims that such centers increase government spending.

Rationally, such closing down such centers does not reduce the overall cost but shifts such costs to the rural population. The costs are shifted to the rural women in the form of transport, accommodation and food in the prominent hospitals located away from the rural residences. Experts argue that locating the centers in the rural areas will be useful, particularly in the event that an expectant mother develops serious complications prior to the date or time of birth Moore, However, the experts recommend that the rural centers should be equipped with the necessary equipment in case of such serious complications as cervical incompetence in women.

Sustaining such rural centers requires that the government deploys qualified personnel to such places. The concept of midwifery group practice is among the most effective concepts in the field of midwifery since the expectant women are able to access continuous monitoring. Such continuous monitoring includes such concepts as active management of labor. Active management of labor is done so as to ensure cephalic presentations are in order Leipert et al, Such services cannot be accessed in the event that the hospital is far away from the expectant mothers. Requiring rural mothers to visit hospitals located in the distant cities is equal to denying them the right to access antenatal and postnatal services, which are particularly beneficial for both the child and the mother.

Having the women visit hospitals located far away from their rural homes attracts such costs as the ambulance costs. Additionally, the Rural Doctors Association of Australia RDAA argues that this is a way of oppressing rural women. Feminine principles require that all people be treated equally. Therefore, the rural women should access the same rights and privileges as the urban women. Dietsch, E. Luckily We Had a Torch: Contemporary Birthing Experiences of Women Living in Rural and Remote NSW. Charles Sturt University Press Leipert, B. Rural women's health. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Moore, A. Pioneering a New Model of Midwifery Care: A Phenomenological Study of Midwifery Group Practice.

Victoria: Australia Catholic University Research Services National Rural Health Alliance. Principles for maternity services in rural and remote Australia. Deakin West, A. T: National Rural Health Alliance Inc. Willis, E. Understanding the Australian health care system. Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance. ID Password recovery email has been sent to email email. Don't waste time. I agree. HIRE A WRITER Sign in. World of Writing Hub Blog Free Essay Writing Tools Quizzes and Tests Essay Topics Types of Essays Free Essay Examples. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Our Guarantees FAQ Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Our Services.

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WebAug 10,  · Midwives must work within the competency standards enforced by The ANMC Australian Nursing & Midwifery Council () in order to obtain and practice as Webdemonstrates significant factors, a midwife and the women may face within Australian public hospitals. As a midwife the key skills are understanding of what supports and impacts the WebMidwife led care is an area that is fast growing because women get the satisfaction they require from their experiences and Linda is one of those women. Midwives are aware of The term “midwife” derives from the Latin meaning “with woman” or in France “wise woman”. “Throughout the ages women have depended on a skilled person, usually another woman to be with them during their childbirth” (Cooper & Fraser ). Midwives provide care to women and their babies antenatally, p See more WebJan 19,  · Caseload midwifery, which entails the mother to-be knowing all the details about the midwife giving her personalized attention, has been described as the only type WebIn many countries, midwifery is a medical profession (special for its independent and direct specialized education). A professional in midwifery is known as a midwife.” Pregnancy ... read more

You only need to listen to the first 3 stories. This paper will discuss this policy in detail, why the program is so important, how to become part of…. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Pharaoh ordered the Hebrew midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, to kill all male babies delivered to the Hebrew women. Essay On Midwifery Improved Essays. Many health promotion needs a midwife must consider when caring for a pregnant women include: promoting healthy eating, promoting smoking cessation. Childbirth Vs Midwife Words 2 Pages.

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