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Writing a critical lens essay

Writing a critical lens essay

Critical Lens Essay: Writing Process Explored in Just One Article,Learn anything, anytime.

WebMay 2,  · How to Write a Critical Lens Essay Step by Step The goal of this type of academic assignment is to research the chosen literary quote. A student must talk about WebFor a student to effectively come up with a good essay, they should read, understand, evaluate and analyze all the issues in the context. In writing a custom critical lens WebAug 10,  · For your convenience, we have broken down the whole process of writing the critical lens essay into 10 easy-to-follow steps: Choose your topic. ... read more

And it is not until after you are done putting them together that you can proceed with your introduction and conclusion. It is much easier that way, since in your introduction and conclusion you will have to refer to your body paragraphs, and thus it is better to write them by then. For your convenience, we have broken down the whole process of writing the critical lens essay into 10 easy-to-follow steps:. If you are still not a hundred percent sure that you will cope with the task, you may contact our customer support team and ask them for help.

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Defining critical lens essay format It is wrong to assume that critical lens essays are all written in accordance with just one format or citation style. The typical structure of a critical lens essay At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing extraordinary about the structure of the critical lens essay: an introduction containing a thesis, three body paragraphs designed to support said thesis, and a conclusion meant to restate the arguments and summarize the results of your study. Critical lens essay introduction Your title page if requested by your citation style , abstract, and outline if required by your professor are followed by the introductory paragraph of your essay.

Exploring critical lens essay's body paragraphs Being the significant part of your essay , the body typically comprises three paragraphs, of which the first ones are meant to provide the reader with a structure, which somewhat replicates the introduction. How to develop a critical lens essay conclusion The conclusion is a very important part of your critical lens essay because it summarizes all the evidence and shows how your whole text body supports the thesis. Critical Lens Essay Topics Examples The examples of critical lens essay topics may be diverse, but we will just provide a couple of ideas for you to consider. Here are a few more useful tips on how to write an excellent critical lens essay: Do not try to start writing your essay by developing the introduction - work on your body paragraphs first.

For your convenience, we have broken down the whole process of writing the critical lens essay into 10 easy-to-follow steps: Choose your topic. Work out a thesis. Conduct the necessary research. Write your body paragraphs. Come up with your introduction and conclusion. Design your cover page and reference list. Format your paper. Do the spell check if necessary. Get some rest. At this point, it is a good idea to have the paper proofread by somebody else. Proofread the paper by yourself for the last time. Now, you are ready to submit a perfectly structured critical lens essay. Back to all posts. Subscribe to get free samples Send.

Next, quickly read the target text to develop a general idea of its content. Then, ask yourself: Where do I see general points of agreement or disagreement between the two texts? With these ideas in mind, go back and read the target text carefully, through the theoretical lens, asking yourself the following questions: What are the main components of the lens text and what are their complementary parts in the target text? Why is this? It is helpful to keep a careful, written record of page numbers, quotes, and your thoughts and reactions as you read. Since this type of paper deals with a complex synthesis of multiple sources, it is especially important to have a clear plan of action before you begin writing. It may help to group quotes or events by subject matter, by theme, or by whether they support, contradict, or otherwise modify the arguments in the lens text.

Hopefully, common themes, ideas, and arguments will begin to emerge and you can start drafting! As your paper concerns the complex interactions between multiple texts, it is important to explain what you will be doing the introduction. Make sure to clearly introduce the lens text and its specific arguments you will be employing or evaluating. Then introduce the target text and its specific themes or events you will be addressing in your analysis. These introductions of texts and themes should lead into some kind of thesis statement. Though there are no set guidelines or conventions for what this thesis should look like, make sure it states the points of interaction you will be discussing, and explains what your critical or theoretical analysis of the target text reveals about the texts.

The body is where you apply specific arguments from the lens text to specific quotes or instances in the target text. In each case, make sure to discuss what the lens text reveals about the target text or vice versa. In their book, They Say, I Say, the authors lay out numerous templates to help writers engage in unfamiliar forms of critical academic discourse. A student has no right to copy-paste the quotation, so it is recommended to rewrite this sentence or few. Try to memorize more rule associated with a critical lens essay writing:. The goal of this type of academic assignment is to research the chosen literary quote. A student must talk about the original sources from which the quote was retrieved.

Come up with personal critical analysis and explanation. The final grade is based on all of these factors. The main purpose is to get ready with an outline. A student should follow this roadmap not to get lost during the process of writing:. A student can make it the five paragraph essay by adding one more paragraph to the body if he wants. A couple of body paragraphs is okay. An introduction of such essay has an unusual structure because it has to begin with a literary quote while in case of other academic assignments a student may choose which type of hook to include and whether he needs it.

The next thing a student should do is to interpret the chosen quote. The offered quotation means people should never stop trying to achieve something greater even if they think they have everything in this life. It calls for further self-development. Of course! Start with the topic sentence number 1. The author may implement another literary element. Everything left to do is:. Once the student explained the chosen literary quote in the shape of a couple of sentences in each body paragraph, he should move to the conclusion. Make a summary of the body paragraphs to emphasize you stand. Repeat the full name of the writer and other contributors. Point out some evidence collected from the primary sources to motivate the target readers to start thinking about your topic by going on with the independent research.

We use cookies to provide our clients with the best possible experience. If You continue to use this site, you agree with our cookie policy. Read more ». As a matter of fact, a critical lens essay is focused on highlighting strong and weak points of a given quote. Writing such type of essay appears to be quite a challenging assignment for students. Second, a profound research on the given topic should be done, as it determines the further direction of your writing. No wonder this specific type of essay is often one of the tasks on the Regents, a New York State set of exams required for graduation.

For this reason, one should know how to write a critical lens essay at the high academic level, because it reflects the general level of education of a student. Hence, the student is evaluated accordingly. Typically, a critical lens essay follows a standard essay format pattern. Therefore, it consists of five paragraphs, including introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, so it should not be long like a research paper. In order to develop the critical analysis, a student has to use examples from two literature pieces, each one discussed in a separate paragraph.

The book titles need to be underlined and capitalized, written in accordance with the capitalization and punctuation rules. As it was mentioned above, a critical lens essay template coincides with the fixed classic essay pattern. The first part of an essay is the introduction. This is the first thing that makes an impression upon the reader. So, the intro part should be captivating enough to get the reader really interested in what you have to say. The introduction starts with the quote, which is not just an ordinary sentence from the text, but a significant statement that holds considerable value. Such an interpretation is called the thesis. It plays a role of the foundation of the entire essay, which makes it a crucial part of the paper.

Therefore, a key to a high-quality critical lens essay is arranging the thesis in a wise and profound way, as it presents the criteria for the further analysis. Having provided the thesis, the writer needs to support or refute it. Though, the decision whether to agree or disagree is based not on his personal opinion, but on two literature references related to the quote. Connecting the essay with relevant references affirms the objective approach. The titles and authors of the chosen literature works have to be underlined. The intro part ends with adding a few words about the chosen reference texts topics.

There should be two body paragraphs introducing two literature works mentioned in the introduction. The writer needs to use the references as the means for supporting his thesis. Both topic and concluding sentences demonstrate and prove the connection between the reference examples and the thesis. There should not be any summarizing; just highlighting and analysis of the main points of both literary texts explaining their relevance to the core statement. Moreover, there is no need to retell the plot of the chosen texts. On the contrary, the writing should be laconic, but clear. To convey the arguments in the most appropriate way, some literary elements from the reference texts should be chosen, such as the following:. The last essay part summarizes the arguments and proves the initial thesis right or wrong.

The quote and the thesis should be restated here, but the thesis has to be rephrased, not taken from the intro part word by word. If the essay is written in a right manner, then the conclusion would follow in the most logical way and the readers would totally agree to it. While body paragraphs persuade the reader of the correctness of the thesis, the conclusion just states the fact: the thesis is true and it is absolutely confirmed. So, the reader is satisfied, though intrigued to investigate the topic more. This is not an easy task to do. Below there is a list of possible quotes that are approved to be used for critical lens essays as they are widely applied at the English Regents.

The quotations listed above serve as appropriate examples of the NYS English Regents critical lens essay quotes. Thus, they might be widely used during the preparation for the Regents or any other type of exam where a critical lens essay is one of the tasks. Below there are detailed steps that may serve as an instruction for writing this type of essay. Each step will be followed by the relevant part of a critical lens essay example to make the guideline even more clear. Step 1. Choose a meaningful quote and introduce it, indicating its author. Add a few sentences before it to get the readers involved and let them follow the logical flow of your thoughts.

Step 2. Interpret the quote, rewrite it using your own words. That would be your thesis. Step 4. Introduce two literary references that prove your thesis. Express in a few words how they support the thesis. Step 5. Start writing the first body paragraph focusing on the first literary reference mentioned in the intro part. Choose the literary element, through which the text and thesis would be connected. Prove that the text example supports the quote. Step 6. Do the same thing focusing on the other literary work while writing the second body paragraph. Step 7. Summarize everything you have written. State the quote and thesis again, the latter should be rephrased, though. The conclusion has to prove the coherence between the thesis and arguments written above.

Below there is a sample of a critical lens essay that may be referred to during the preparation for the English Regents. Human life is a constant alternating between success and failure. Today one may enjoy the abundance of money and opportunities, while tomorrow may bring something totally different. Life indeed often forces people to keep trying even in the most unfavorable conditions and teaches that doing this is the only key to win. The novel Robinson Crusoe illustrates a strong will of an ordinary man who faced unpredictable circumstances after a shipwreck. He has lost everything and everyone just in a moment. The fate left him alone on the desert island in total despair. He was not expecting such a fatal failure. Robinson got a tremendous challenge that let him acknowledge himself as a miserable creature but also created perfect conditions for self-discovery.

On the unknown out-of-the-way patch of the Earth, he found himself completely helpless and alone in his struggle for life. Nevertheless, Crusoe realized the real value of human life and gathered all the possible means he could ever find on the island, which combined with his brilliant intellect and willpower saved him afterwards. The story is narrated in the form of his own diary, which pictures the hero in the most veritable way. He kept trying over and over again while building his refuge place, acquiring hunting and farming skills. The long twenty-eight years way through failures to victory taught him that the main thing in life is the ability to pull oneself together when there seems like nothing can be done.

Robinson proved that it is not the setting and opportunities that matter, but a strong goal-oriented approach to the problem. Love of Life demonstrates another example of overcoming hardships in life. Gold seekers are lost in the White Desert. While one of them leaves his comrade in trouble, he succeeded to survive. Through the tone of the novel, it is evident that Jack London supports his hero picturing him as a symbol of a victorious will power. Physical exhaustion, freezing cold of the White Desert, pain from the betrayal of the only friend, fear of loneliness, hunger, which is not eased with the miserable stuff that cannot even be called food. Moreover, he suffers from the pain in legs, being severely injured.

Torturing body ache is combined with the despair of useless attempts to gain food and unbearable exhaustion, which leads to hallucinations. Yet, in spite of all he has encountered, despite being frightened and despaired, the man found enough courage not to give up but went on with a great passion for life, which helped him during struggles with a bear and a wolf. His irresistible desire to live, tranquility, and patience is what removed the fear and saved him from death. The hero was doing what he could: he was able to walk, he walked; he could only crawl, he crawled; he was obliged to fight with wild animals, so he did.

As long as there were those primitive means for survival, no matter how adverse the setting, the man continued his difficult path and, finally, he succeeded. All things considered, it seems sensible to assume that in order to lead the life to the full and survive despite all the troubles, one needs to use each little thing around, notwithstanding the limits. The core of success is human mind and will that dominates over poor conditions, situations that seem to be impossible, fears, and desperate obstacles. It's OK. Critical Lens Essay Example for English Regents. Created: September 6, Table of content show. How is a critical lens essay used? What is a critical lens essay format? Tips to make a critical lens essay outline.

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WebFor a student to effectively come up with a good essay, they should read, understand, evaluate and analyze all the issues in the context. In writing a custom critical lens WebAug 10,  · For your convenience, we have broken down the whole process of writing the critical lens essay into 10 easy-to-follow steps: Choose your topic. WebMay 2,  · How to Write a Critical Lens Essay Step by Step The goal of this type of academic assignment is to research the chosen literary quote. A student must talk about ... read more

As a parent, one of the best ways to encourage your child's love of the written word is to pr. Historical narratives allow individuals of all races and classes, genders, etc. If you want to come up with an efficient critical lens essay, you need to read, comprehend, assess and examine the entirety of the topics that pertain to the context. In this scenario, the essay writer and his or her analytical skills are measured through the final essay, by examining the value of the literary terms used in deconstructing the argument, their validity within the text as well as the appropriateness of the chosen literary devices. Defining critical lens essay format It is wrong to assume that critical lens essays are all written in accordance with just one format or citation style. All the claims should be supported with clear evidence which can be verified.

Resources and Scholarships for Students with major Health Conditions Read more. Subscribe to get free samples Send. Created: September 6, The details of the examples should be focused enough to support your interpretation of the quote highlighted by your thesis. Outlining Since this type of paper deals with a complex synthesis of multiple sources, it is especially important to have a clear plan of action before you begin writing. My approach is collaborative and laid back, writing a critical lens essay.

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